If understand correctly, andriod was able to run ultra before, but one update disabled it. What is the technical difficulties to implement it on android?

Does blizzard ever plan to bring it back and when?

Capitalists rob people. Labor through the gray scheme. The child takes the phone from his mother. Installs diablo immortal. The child is trying to take 100-200 dollars from his mother to upgrade the hero and buy armor. The working people of the USA are being robbed. Damn capitalists.

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Currently, no. Players should coordinate with friends to play on the same server for Diablo immortal. We may have options to transfer or play with friends located on other servers in the future but this is not be available at launch.

Hi, same story with my F3, STILL, i found and article explaining the issue was due to an issue with the exynos processor, actually being watched and fixed,to be released with upcoming update. The article (in french) le grand plateau .com = diablo-immortal-est-bloque-dans-le-play-store-des-telephones-samsung-avec-exynos e24fc04721

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