He was trying to figure out how to run Diablo 1 on his Windows 7 based rig but couldnt figure it out. long story short, we managed to figure it out. the way to run Diablo 1 on a windows 7 based setup is to:

hit ctrl+shft+esc, select processes tab, find explorer.exe, then click 'end process.' select 'applications' tab then 'new task.' enter a single period ["." (without quotes)] to start a windows explorer. use that to navigate to your diablo folder or cd and start playing. when you're done, hit 'new task' again and key in "explorer.exe" and whiz-bang, you're back in the 2010's. if you find an obsidian ring of the zodiac, i'll gladly accept that as thanks!

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A few troubleshooting tips from my own experience: If the game either doesn't start or starts without sound, you may need to force the game to use a specific version of Proton (which allows Windows games to play under the Linux-based Steam OS). Right-click on the Steam library entry for Battle.net, and go to Properties > Compatibility and require the app to use the recently released GE-Proton 7-51-diablo_4_beta version, specifically tweaked for Diablo 4.

To get that specific Proton version, if you don't already have it, go to the Discovery app on the Steam Deck desktop, which is like an app store. Search for "ProtonUp Qt. Install" and run that app, and from there find and install the special "7-51-diablo_4_beta" version.

Hey folks, I'm hitting the weirdest issue I've ever encountered on my PC and I really don't know what to do here:

Been playing D4 since launch day without any issues, then a couple nights back while running a dungeon my PC suddenly turned off and restarted itself.

At that point I went into the BIOS to check if any overheating had occurred, but the temps in the system were all averaging 60 C.

Then I tried logging back into Windows, but as soon as I entered my password the pc would turn off (hard turn off, not a soft reboot) and turn itself on again, rinse and repeat.

I spent the night trying to troubleshoot but in the end I had to do a full recovery through the Windows troubleshooting options that you can access at boot time (both startup repair and roll back to a system restore point failed).

After that I quickly reconfigured the bare bones apps I run on Windows and left the pc on for the whole night and day after.

Yesterday, as soon as I tried starting Diablo again (think as soon as the blizzard logo comes up) the pc AGAIN turned completely off and then back on again. Same deal as the day before, no windows troubleshooting option works and as soon as I try logging in it turns off and on again.

After I went through the recovery process again and tried to test Diablo, the PC quickly turned off and this time the crash loop got extremely more severe, where the system would have power for ~1s before shutting itself off again.

During the day I tried a bunch of things, none of which worked, and I resigned myself to the idea that my CPU was dead (seeing that the debug LED on the motherboard for the CPU came on while the system had power). I started the RMA process with Intel to get it swapped, but then I just tried resetting the CMOS as a last attempt before pulling the CPU out and lo and behold the system came to life again.

Note: I tricked it into working created a new short cut after selecting Windows XP sp3 in the troubleshooter clicking test program running the game, quitting the game and closed the program as instructed by windows and clicking save this setting, and now it loads and works great from my new shortcut just has an error when you quit playing the game where windows ask you if program should be closed. No big deal really. e24fc04721

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