DIA Bands Recruitment Video_2.mp4

Welcome to the Dubois Integrity Academy Band Program website. Please take a good look at the following information about our band program, and feel free to ask me any questions that you may have. 

Kwame Paige | Band Director | kpaige@duboisintegrityacademy.com | 770-629-1235


The purpose of the Dubois Integrity School Band program is to enrich the lives of our DIA scholars through musical growth and performance opportunities.


Through music education, The DIA Band Program will empower and assist students in developing confidence, creativity, discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills. 

What is Band?

Band is an elective class, not an after-school activity, in which you learn how to read music and how to play an instrument of your choice. Click the video to understand the purpose of band class and more about what we learn about in band class! 

Why Band?

Practice makes.....permanent

Without consistent individual practice time our band program will not grow a the correct speed. We are only as good as our least practicing student.