Accepted Papers

List of Accepted Papers

11/1: The camera ready PDF of the papers are available on OpenReview.Net website.

The list of accepted papers is as follows.

  1. “Repurposing Decoder-Transformer Language Models for Abstractive Summarization” by Luke de Oliveira, and Alfredo Láinez Rodrigo.
  2. “From Stroke to Finite Automata: An Offline Recognition Approach”, by Kehinde Aruleba.
  3. “Post-OCR parsing: building simple and robust parser via BIO tagging”, by Wonseok Hwang, Seonghyeon Kim, Minjoon Seo, Jinyeong Yim, Seunghyun Park, Sungrae Park, Junyeop Lee, Bado Lee, Hwalsuk Lee.
  4. “CrossLang: the system of cross-lingual plagiarism detection”, by Oleg Bakhteev, Alexandr Ogaltsov, Andrey Khazov, Kamil Safin, Rita Kuznetsova.
  5. “BERTgrid: Contextualized Embedding for 2D Document Representation and Understanding”, Timo I. Denk, Christian Reisswig.
  6. “Chargrid-OCR: End-to-end trainable Optical Character Recognition through Semantic Segmentation and Object Detection” by Christian Reisswig, Anoop R Katti, Marco Spinaci, Johannes Höhne.
  7. “SVDocNet: Spatially Variant U-Net for Blind Document Deblurring”, by Bharat Mamidibathula, Prabir Kumar Biswas.
  8. “Semantic Structure Extraction for Spreadsheet Tables with a Multi-task Learning Architecture", by Haoyu Dong, Shijie Liu, Zhouyu Fu, Shi Han, Dongmei Zhang.
  9. “Document Enhancement System Using Auto-encoders", by Mehrdad J. Gangeh, Sunil R. Tiyyagura, Sridhar V. Dasaratha, Hamid Motahari, Nigel P. Duffy.
  10. “CORD: A Consolidated Receipt Dataset for Post-OCR Parsing”, by Seunghyun Park, Seung Shin, Bado Lee, Junyeop Lee, Jaeheung Surh, Minjoon Seo, Hwalsuk Lee.
  11. “On recognition of Cyrillic Text”, by Kostiantyn Liepieshov, Oles Dobosevych.
  12. “Representation Learning in Geology and GilBERT”, by Zikri Bayraktar, Hedi Driss, Marie Lefranc.
  13. “Neural Contract Element Extraction Revisited”, by Ilias Chalkidis, Manos Fergadiotis, Prodromos Malakasiotis, Ion Androutsopoulos.
  14. “Doc2Dial: a Framework for Dialogue Composition Grounded in Business Documents”, by Song Feng, Kshitij Fadni, Q. Vera Liao, Luis A. Lastras.
  15. “On Domain Transfer When Predicting Intent in Text”, by Petar Stojanov, Ahmed Hassan Awadallah, Paul Bennett, Saghar Hosseini.
  16. “BERT Goes to Law School: Quantifying the Competitive Advantage of Access to Large Legal Corpora in Contract Understanding", by Emad Elwany, Dave Moore, Gaurav Oberoi.
  17. “Information Extraction from Text Regions with Complex Structure”, by Kaixuan Zhang, Zejiang Shen, Jie Zhou, Melissa Dell.
  18. “DeepErase: Unsupervised Ink Artifact Removal in Document Text Images”, Yike Qi, W. Ronny Huang, Qianqian Li, Jonathan L. Degange.
  19. “Towards Neural Similarity Evaluator” , Hassan Kané, Yusuf Kocyigit, Pelkins Ajanoh, Ali Abdalla, Mohamed Coulibali.