David Hume

Assistant Professor, University of Birmingham

Honorary Research Fellow, University of Bristol

Visiting Research Fellow, University of Oxford

Peer-reviewed publications

Thick embeddings of graphs into symmetric spaces via coarse geometry (with Benjamin Barrett and an appendix by Larry Guth and Elia Portnoy)

To appear in Trans. AMS.

Poincaré profiles of Lie groups and a coarse geometric dichotomy (with John Mackay and Romain Tessera)

GAFA 32, pp. 1063–1133, 2022.

Poorly connected groups (with John Mackay)

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148, pp. 4653-4664, 2020. 

Actions of small cancellation groups on hyperbolic spaces (with Carolyn Abbott) 

Geom Dedicata 212, 325–363, 2021. 

The geometry of generalized loxodromic elements (with Carolyn Abbott) Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Volume 70 (2020) no. 4, pp. 1689-1713. 

Poincaré profiles of groups and spaces (with John Mackay and Romain Tessera) 

Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 36 (2020), no. 6, pp. 1835–1886. 

Extending group actions on metric spaces (with Carolyn Abbott and Denis Osin) 

Journal of Topology and Analysis Vol. 12, No. 3 (2020) 625–665.

Relatively hyperbolic groups with fixed peripherals (with Matthew Cordes) 

Israel Journal of Mathematics 230(1): 443-470, 2019. 

Negative curvature in graphical small cancellation groups (with Goulnara N. Arzhantseva, Christopher H. Cashen and Dominik Gruber) 

Groups, Geometry and Dynamics 13: 579-632, 2018. 

Groups with no coarse embeddings into hyperbolic spaces (with Alessandro Sisto) 

New York Journal of Mathematics 23: 1657-1670, 2017. 

Characterization of Morse quasi-geodesics via superlinear divergence and sublinear contraction (with Goulnara N. Arzhantseva, Christopher H. Cashen and Dominik Gruber) 

Documenta Mathematica 22: 193-1224, 2017. 

Stability and the Morse boundary (with Matthew Cordes) 

Journal of the London Mathematical Society 95(2), no. 3, 963–988, 2017. 

Embedding Mapping Class Groups into Finite Products of Trees. 

Groups, Geometry and Dynamics 11(2):613-647, 2017. 

A continuum of expanders. Fundamenta Mathematicae 237: 143-152, 2017. 

Orthogonal Forms of Kac-Moody groups are acylindrically hyperbolic (with Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace). 

Annales de l'Institut Fourier 65(6):2613-2640, 2015.

Direct Embeddings of Relatively Hyperbolic Groups with Optimal lp Compression Exponent. 

Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 703: 147-172, 2015.  

Embedding Universal Covers of Graph Manifolds in Products of Trees (with Alessandro Sisto). 

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 141: 3337-3340, 2013.