Dhruba Chakraborty

I have a great passion for photography, latest technology updates and new skills.

Everything that is good and new to me, is always welcomed.

Areas of Expertise

  • Photography

  • Technical Support

  • Video Editing

  • Youtuber

  • Programming

  • Event Management

  • Vector Art

  • Photo Editing

Voluntary Experiences:

Former General Secretary

BRAC University Computer Club

Summer 2020 - Summer 2021

Local Guide at Google Maps

Level - 07

2015 - ongoing


BRACU Mongol-Tori:

BRAC University Mongol Tori is a next-generation autonomous Mars rover. The rover is built with a plan to walk on the Mars alongside human explorers. I worked with the research and writing team, that helped the project to spread its identity throughout the world.

Encrypt-Decrypt Program:

It is a python program that can turn a password into an encrypted password and reversely turn that encrypted password into a decrypted (real) one. A person can choose his/her own modifier to encrypt the password. So, there is a very little risk of password leak. I have used Caesar Cipher method to encrypt and decrypt the password.

Project Li-Fi:

Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is a data transmission method in which data can be transmitted through LED light. In this method data transmits at the speed of light, which is why the data transmission rate is much higher than other methods. I used this technology to send sound data from one end to other end through the medium of light.


Known Languages:

Programming Language:


BSc. in Computer Science Engineering (Spring'18 - ongoing)

BRAC University

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) - 2017 (Science)

Govt. Rajendra College, Faridpur

Secondary School Certificate (SSC) – 2015 (Science)

Faridpur Zilla School, Faridpur