

Jointly edited an anthology titled, “Different Americas: Resituating American Identity in the Post 9/11 Classroom”, Authors Press: New Delhi, 2013. ISBN 978-81-7273-751-1

Chapters in Anthologies

1. A Chapter titled, ‘What is left of Left in West Bengal? The New Left and the ‘World of the Third’ is published in a volume on Secular Sectarianism, edited by Ajay Gudavarthy, Sage, 2019.

2. 'Governance of Society or Self? Postcolonial Foucault and the Singur Movement in India', in State and Subject Formation in South Asia, edited by Amen Jaffer and Mashal Saif, Oxford, 2022.

3. A Chapter titled, ‘Who is Afraid of Postcolonial Theory? Development, Accumulation and the Spectre of Outside’ is published in an anthology titled, Left Politics in South Asia: Reframing the Agenda, edited by Ravi Kumar, Aakar Books in December 2018.

4. A jointly written chapter titled, ‘From Antagonism to Agonism in the Republic of Hunger: Towards an Indian Democratie-a-venir’ is published in an anthology, Democratic Governance and Politics of Left in South Asia edited by Subhoranjan Dasgupta, Aakar: New Delhi, 2015. ISBN 978-93-5002-319-8

5. A jointly written chapter on ‘A Caged Phoenix? Politics of Affection and Identity for Women Medics in Colonial Bengal’, in an anthology titled, Imperial Maladies: Literature on Healthcare and Psychoanalysis in India, edited by Debashis Bandyopadhyay and Pritha Kundu, Nova Press, New York, 2017. ISBN 978-1-53611-863-6

6. A Chapter on Translation of Bengali Periodicals is published in the reader entitled Shaping the Discourse: Women Writings in Bengali Periodicals 1865-1947 edited by Ipshita Chanda and Jayeeta Bagchi. Stree: Kolkata, 2014. ISBN- 978-81-906760-5-2

7. A chapter on ‘Poor Economy to Politics of the Governed: Changing Paradigms of Postcolonial Development’ in India is published in an edited anthology Dynamics of Development and Discontent, Bookwell: New Delhi, 2014. ISBN 978-93-80574-65-3

8. A chapter named, ‘Imperial democracy, Homo Sacer and Arundati Roy’s resistance of Bare Life’ is published in a volume titled, Indian Writing in English: Critical Perspective from Aavishkar: Jaipur, 2011. ISBN-978-81-7910-344-9

9. A chapter titled, ‘Spousal Friendship, Empowerment and the Third Alternative: The Subjection of Women in Retrospect’ is published in the book, DE-CODING THE SILENCE! Reading John Stuart Mill’s The Subjection of Women. AADI Publication: Jaipur, ISBN978-93-82630-51-7

10. A chapter named, ‘Whitman at Ground Zero: Revisiting the preface to 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass in Indian Classroom’ is published in a volume, Different Americas: Resituating American Identity in the Post 9/11 Classroom, Authors Press: New Delhi, 2014. ISBN 978-81-7273-751-1

11. A chapter titled ‘The Argumentative Media(?): Local Media, Local Public Sphere and the Future of Democracy’ is published in a seminar proceeding, Communication: A Need for Community Development, 2013. ISBN- 978-81-920386-2-9

12. A chapter named, ‘Observing the Adieu: Detailed Summary of And Relevant Critical Commentary on “A Farewell to Arms”, in a volume named, Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms: A Critical Appraisal, Books Way: Kolkata. ISBN- 978-93-81672-12-9

13. A jointly written chapter titled, ‘Eastwords, Postcolonialism and the Politics of Adaptation: Towards forming a New Praxis’ is published in an anthology Postcolonial Approaches to Literature: Text, Context, Theory, edited by S. Bhattacharya and et. all, Authors Press: New Delhi, 2015. ISBN 978-93-5207-119-7

Peer-reviewed International and National Journals

1. ‘Refolutionary Inflectional Zones of Democracy: Rethinking Post-civil Society Resistance’ in Kairos: A Journal of Critical Symposium, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2016. ISSN 2581-7361. (co-authored with Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha and Mursed Alam).

2. ‘Bengali Women’s Writings in the Colonial Period: Critique of Nation, Narration, and Patriarchy’ in Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Vol. 66, Issue 1, 2018. DOI: (co-authored with Sanchayita Paul Chakraborty).

3. ‘Politics, Possibility and Utopia: A Tete-a-tete with Ajay Gudavarthy on India and the Emergent Political’ in Kairos: A Journal of Critical Symposium, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2016. ISSN 2581-7361.

4. ‘Multitude, Living Labour and Dead Labour’ in Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) Vol. 49, Issue 38. Sep, 2014. (Co-authored with Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha and Saswat Samay Das).

5. ‘Revisiting the Karachi Resolution: The Genealogy of Reintroducing Capital Punishment in India’ in Caffe Dissensus, New York: 2014. (Co-authored with Sanchayita Paul Chakraborty).

6. ‘Reclaiming Dissident Collectivities/Political Community Through the Matrix of Gambhira, An Eastern Indian Folk Form’ in Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (AJRSCH), Vol-3, Issue-1, ISSN-2249-7315. (co-authored with Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha and Mursed Alam).

7. ‘Imperial Capital, Comprador Democracy and Subaltern Justice’ in Subalternspeak: An International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol-III, Issue-III, 2015. ISSN 2347-2013. (Co-authored with Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha and Mursed Alam).

8. ‘Indian Modernity at Crossroad: The Aporetic Panoroma of Social Loss in Mahesh Dattani’s Theater’, in New Academia, Special Mid-Year Issue, August, 2012. ISSN-2277-3967.

9. When Mr. Pirzada Creates ‘Anuranan’: A Study of Home Through the Bong Connection’ in The Criterion, Vol-2, Issue-2, June 2011. ISSN-0976-8165.

10. ‘The Tsunamic Hatred on the Hinterland of Bharat: An Appraisal of Anand’s The Untouchable’ in Symposium: A New Literary Venture, Vol-3, Issue-2, December 2004.

11. An article length interview with Bashabi Fraser, an Indo-Scot Poet, literary critic and editor in Writers in Conversation, Flinders University Journal, Australia, 2014. ISSN 2203-4293.

Book Reviews-

1. ‘Religion as Critique: Islamic Critical Thinking from Mecca to the Marketplace’, by Irfan Ahmad, in South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 42, Issue 6, 2019.

2. ‘Modern Times: India 1880s-1950s’ by Sumit Sarkar in Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, vol. 18, Issue 3, 2016.

3. ‘Poverty and the Quest for Life: Spiritual and Material Striving in Rural India’, by Bhrigupati Singh in South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 40, Issue. 1, 2017.

4. ‘Subalternity, Antagonism, Autonomy: Constructing the Political Subject’ by Massimo Modonesi in Journal of Political Studies, Vol-9, March 2014. ISSN 2278-4039.

  1. ‘Countering Naxalism with Development: Challenges of Social Justice and State Security’, edited by Santosh Mehrotra in Contemporary South Asia, Vol 24, Issue 2, 2016.

6. ‘At The Margins: Discourses of Development, Democracy and Regionalism in Orissa’, by Jayanta Sengupta in Social History, Vol. 42, Issue 1, 2017.

7. ‘Gramsci is alive! Hegemony and subaltern politics in contemporary India’, in Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 20, Issue 2, 2016.

8. ‘Autumn of the matriarch: Indira Gandhi’s final term in office’, in Contemporary South Asia, Vol. 24, Issue 3, 2016.