
In what follows, I list completed projects as well as selected works in progress

Published Papers

(1) Prize sharing rules in collective contests: when do social norms matter? Review of Economic Design (2021)

(2) Bargaining for Assembly (with Soumendu Sarkar) Theory and Decision (2022)

Job Market Paper

(3) Prize Sharing Rules in Collective Contests: Towards Strategic Foundations

In this paper we consider a situation of a collective contest, where two groups of different sizes fight over a private prize. In such situations groups have to decide beforehand how to divide the prize among its members in case of success. We consider the prize sharing rule proposed by (Nitzan 1991), which has become the gold standard in the literature and try to provide strategic foundations to it. We introduce another rule which internalizes all within group externalities and we call it the cooperative rule. We show that when the group leaders are given a choice between the prize sharing rule and the cooperative rule, then under some parameteric restrictions, the prize sharing rule is chosen in equilibrium as a part of a Coordination game.

Work in Progress

(1) Collective Action with Anonymity Concerns (with Sabyasachi Das and Arka Ray Chaudhuri)

(2) Common Property Resources and the Hold-up problem.

(3) Social consequences of Envy under Asymmetric Information.

(4) Coalition formation in Assembly Problems (with Soumendu Sarkar)