"Dhokha: Round D Corner," a movie starring R Madhavan, has been released in theatres. The story begins with Yatharth Sinha and Sanchi, a loving couple. Sanchi's mental health deteriorates gradually, causing her to exhibit contradictory behavior and envision events that never occurred. The movie's plot is intriguing since, throughout the movie, you are unsure who is telling the truth and who is lying.
Regarding acting, everyone's work here is exceptional, which indicates that these performers have performed their roles more effectively. R Madhavan is a terrific performer whose role has managed to keep the entire movie engaging. Aparshakti Khurrana portrays a terrorist. However, he has been observed elsewhere overacting. While Khushali Kumar is the movie's big surprise, it does not appear that this is her first movie.
Kookie Gulati is the director of the movie Dhokha: Round D Corner. In the movie, he has astounded the audience with a captivating plot. Audiences have long anticipated the release of Dhokha: Round D Corner, a crime thriller movie. Numerous unpredictable changes and twists occur during the movie.
Click here to read: Dhokha: Round D Corner Movie Review