Donghun Kim

Ph. D. Candidate in Finance

George Washington University

Curriculum Vitae


Phone: (+1) 202-856-6556



Welcome to my website. I am a Ph. D. candidate in Finance at the George Washington University. 

My research specialization is empirical corporate finance. My job market paper, titled 'Natural Disasters, Covenant Violations, and Bank Loans', studies the impacts of natural disasters and covenant violations on debt contracts. I find that disaster impacted firms are more likely to violate covenants and receive stricter loan terms in the following years. More importantly, I find that lenders respond differently to borrowers based on other factors affecting firm recovery. This suggests that lenders do not systematically penalize borrowers for covenant violations following disaster impacts.

Teaching  is a significant part of my life. My teaching goal is to have students 'Remember One Thing' from the course that will stay with them even after their graduations. This approach has proven effective in making me a great instructor, as evidenced by my teaching evaluation score of 4.8 out of 5.0.

Professional Experience is another strength of mine. With six years of professional experience as a corporate finance manager, I specialize in international project financing for infrastructure construction. My expertise in financing structures, global financial institutions, and networks empowers me to achieve better research and teaching performance.

I deeply appreciate the time you have spent visiting my website. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime if you are more interested. 


Research Interests: Corporate Finance, Debt Contracts, Information Asymmetry, and Public Announcements

Working Papers:

1. Natural Disasters, Covenant Violations, Bank Loans (job market paper)

2. Overvaluation, Diminishing Profitability, and Acquisitions (with Jiyoon Lee and Micah S. Officer)

More on Donghun's Research


1. George Washington University, Washington D.C.

2. SK ecoplant Co., Ltd. (formerly SK Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.), Seoul, Korea

More on Donghun's Experience