Experience the Thrill of Dhikala Canter Safari in Jim Corbett National Park

Dhikala Canter Safari in Jim Corbett National Park

Jim Corbett National Park in the foothills of the Himalayas is one of the most famous wildlife sanctuaries in India. It’s known for its rich biodiversity, stunning landscapes and the Bengal tiger. Among the many things to do and see in the park the Dhikala Canter Safari is a must do for wildlife lovers and adventure seekers. This is a one of a kind safari experience where you will ride through the heart of the park and get up close and personal with the wildlife and natural beauty of this untouched wilderness.

The Beauty of Dhikala Zone

Dhikala zone is the biggest and most popular zone in Jim Corbett National Park. It has dense forests, wide grasslands and Ramganga River flowing through it creating a perfect habitat for a variety of wildlife. The zone is named after the Dhikala Forest Rest House which has a beautiful view of the surroundings and is a favourite among visitors.

One of the main reasons to choose Dhikala is the high concentration of wildlife. Tigers, elephants, deer and many species of birds are found here in large numbers. Dhikala Canter Safari is the best way to experience this zone.

What to Expect on a Dhikala Canter Safari

Dhikala Canter Safari is done on a specialised vehicle known as canter, which has a capacity of carrying sixteen persons. The canter is an open-roofed car making it suitable for viewing animals and taking good pictures from all directions.

Early Morning Start

The safari starts early in the morning at around 5:30 AM, when the mist envelopes the park and the animals are most active. The early start makes sure that one gets the maximum chance to witness the elusive Bengal tiger and other wild in their natural habitat.

Professional Guide and Driver

The safari comes with a skilled guide and driver who are responsible for safety and providing information. The guides, who know the park’s animals and plants fully well, will give you useful information about these creatures’ habits and nature.

Wildlife Encounters

You may catch a glimpse of a variety of species as the canter winds between the open fields and thick forests. In Dhikala, elephants are frequently sighted, while herds of deer feeding in the meadows are another regular sight. The Ramganga River is a popular destination for birdwatchers, as it is home to a wide variety of raptors and ducks.


Scenic Beauty

Apart from the animals, Dhikala area is famous for its natural beauty. It has many aged trees, smooth hilly landscapes and beautiful rivers. With a canter safari in Dhikala, a visitor is accorded perfect views displaying purity of wilderness and this makes it a memorable trip for ecologists.

Scenic Beauty

Tips for a Successful Dhikala Canter Safari

In order to optimise your Dhikala Canter Safari, bear the following points in mind:

Book in Advance

The Dhikala Canter Safari is very popular and has limited seating. It is recommended to do the advance Dhikala safari booking to be able to confirm your seat.

Dress Comfortably

Make sure that you put on some comfortable clothes and shoes that will last while at the canter, don't forget to wear a hat, sunglasses also you should have some sun shades for protection from sun rays.

Bring Binoculars and a Camera

A good camera and binoculars are a must for identifying and taking pictures of animals. Don't forget to pack extra memory cards and batteries for your camera.

Stay Quiet and Patient

Wildlife sightings demand softly and gingerly stepping forward. Just avoid making loud noises or sudden movements that might startle animals.

Why Choose Dhikala Canter Safari?

The Dhikala Canter Safari is one of those experiences that are simply beyond compare and completely involved. Unlike other safaris which may confine you within a restricted section; the canter safari spans through a very large part of the park hence heightening the possibility to witness a wide range of animals. Ideal for photography and wildlife observation due to the presence of an open-top canter offering clear views all around.

The safari is also guided by experienced guides who have vast knowledge of the ecosystem of the park. More so, the experience is facilitated since the guides can point out and explain the different species of animals and plants that they come across.


The Dhikala Canter Safari at Jim Corbett National Park is an experience that one should not miss. This experience offers a combination of thrill, learning and awe of nature’s own beauty. There is no other activity for you to engage in when you are in the wild and yet would have an equally memorable experience than going for the Dhikala Canter Safari whether you are a lover of wildlife, nature or you simply want to have an unforgettable one.

At Corbett Tiger Reserve, we strive to offer outstanding wildlife experiences that bring you close to nature and create unforgettable memories. Book your Dhikala Canter Safari with us to travel through one of India's iconic national parks. Experience the thrill, beauty, and wonder of the wild.