
Registration for the Swiss DH Exchange 2019 is closed.

Master, Doctoral students, PostDoc, and professors are welcome!

There are already ca. 20 participants coming from the EPFL, UNIL, University of Neuchâtel and the University of Basel.

You are free to join for one day or both, you are also encouraged to make a firing talk.

If you are interested in presenting your on-going research, a project or a methodological problem send us a short paragraph about it.

We are currently crowdfunding to pay the logistics of the event (train tickets, food and hostel) so if your institute or lab can contribute to your personal fees this is of a great help!

Send us an e-mail at with the following info:

  • your name
  • your affiliation
  • your interest in attending and/or presenting (with a paragraph)
  • if you have or need financial support