Research activities



Strategic Management Society - 43rd Annual Conference

Oct 2023 - Toronto - Canada

The roles of First-line managers in navigating post-acquisition integration

This paper presents a case study of a mergers and acquisitions (M&A) process in a factory in Vietnam during the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus on the role of First-Line Managers (FLMs) in navigating the integration process and their impact on the integration strategy implementation. The findings suggest that FLMs' emotional management role helped employees continue working through difficult times. Operational management is important as the FLMs could adapt to changes, while the translation role is not always optimal because they do not understand the strategy properly. The paper highlights the importance of proper training and the need for clear communication of integration strategy. This case study provides valuable insights for future M&A studies, particularly in a developing country context.


38th EGOS Colloquium

July 2022 - Online (Vienna - Austria)

A sensemaking & sensegiving perspective on the role of first-line managers in post-acquisition integration

EURAM - 22nd Annual Conference

June 2022 - Winterthur - Switzerland

A sensemaking & sensegiving perspective on the role of first-line managers in post-acquisition integration 

Post-acquisition integration periods are interesting to investigate to understand change processes in organisations. Although many studies have been conducted on different levels of human factors inside the organisation, extant literature typically overlooks the first level in the management system - the first-line managers (FLMs). This paper stresses this gap and explores the crucial roles of FLMs in post-acquisition integration through the lens of sensemaking and sensegiving dynamics. With this in mind, this article presents an integrated study of the sensemaking and sensegiving of FLMs in the post-acquisition integration phase, in which FLMs play as both the target and the agent of the change. The paper addresses the limitations in prior research, highlighting the need for a more fine-grained understanding of how strategies are understood, interpreted and executed at lower levels of management, which potentially provides a fresh look at how M&A integration unfolds.

EURAM - Doctoral Colloquium

June 2022 - Winterthur - Switzerland

Research proposal: The roles of First-line managers in post-acquisition integration processes

Workshops, seminars 


EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Qualitative Methods in Business Research

by  European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)

May 2023 - Turku - Finland


Prof. Anne Kovalainen, University of Turku

Adj.Prof., senior researcher Seppo Poutanen, University of Turku

Prof. em. David Silverman, University of London

Joint LUMS-WHU-TSM PhD Workshop 2023

May 2023 - Koblenz - Germany

The roles of First-line managers in navigating post-acquisition integration


EDEN Doctoral Seminar on how to design your PhD

by  European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)

Nov 2021 - Online


Ricardo Morais, Catolica Porto Business School

Eelko Huizingh, University of Groningen

Joint LUMS-WHU-TSM PhD Workshop 2021

Mar 2021 - Online

A sensemaking & sensegiving perspective on the role of first-line managers in post-acquisition integration 

Master thesis


Toulouse School of Management 

June 2020 - Toulouse, France

"First line managers in post-acquisition integration” - Literature review

Supervised by Prof. Nicolar Mirc and Associate Prof. Christelle Theron

Grade: 19/20