In a world where mergers thrive and bloom, 

FLMs bring value, dispelling the gloom. 

Overlooked heroes of integration's art, 

Navigating complexities, they play their part

"It's just business as usual," they say, 

But their contributions light the way. 

The missing puzzle pieces, they are keys 

To mergers that thrive, for all to see.

i believe in...

... the roles of First-Line Managers (FLMs) in the implementation of post-acquisition integration strategy. They are the navigating force in integration, aiding stability through adept emotional management and operational adaptability.

#First-lineManagers #MergersAndAcquisitions #Integration #StrategyImplementation

about me

I am a PhD candidate in Strategy at Toulouse School of Management, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Toulouse, France. My research focuses on the roles of FLMs in strategy implementation. In particular, I aim to explore how FLMs understand, translate and execute the post-acquisition integration strategy. 

my community

Toulouse School of Management (TSM)

Toulouse School of Management is a public school of excellence in Management within the Toulouse Capitole University.

European M&A Institute (eM&Ai)

eM&Ai, the European M&A Institute, is a scientific collaboration network promoting research in the field of Mergers and Acquisitions.