
Data Science Courses

1. Python for Data Science

2. Introduction to Data Science

3. Data Analysis with Python

4. Data Visualization with Python

5. Data Science Methodology

6. Data Science Hands-On with Open Source Tools

7. SQL and Relational Databases

8. Machine Learning with Python

Big Data Courses

1. Big Data

2. Hadoop

3. Spark Fundamentals

Web Development Courses

1. Coursera - HTML, CSS, Javascript

2. Android App Development - xml, Kotlin

Cyber Security Courses

1. Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks

2. Cybersecurity Roles, Processes & Operating System Security

Workshops Attended

1. Machine Learning

2. Efficacy of AI

3. Face Recognition in Python

Hackathons Participated

  1. Toycathon

  2. Google Hash Code

HackerRank Badges

Anyone who keeps learning stays young

- Henry Ford