
My teaching interests align with research areas of interest. I strongly believe that teaching helps me to get better insights into a topic and strengthen my technical skills. Also, the interaction with the students and the questions from them push me to think beyond my limits and enable me to teach better.

Sometimes, few encouraging words and feedback from them keep me going.

School of Graduate Studies, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

  1. DS 8011: Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning (Winter 2020, 2019)

  2. DS 8009: Graph Mining (Fall 2019)

School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

  1. CIND 119: Introduction to Big Data (Fall 2019)

  2. CMTH 642: Data Analytics: Advanced Methods (Spring - Summer 2019, Winter 2019)

  3. CIND 123: Data Analytics: Basic Methods (Summer 2019)

  4. CKME 136: Data Analytics: Capstone Course (Fall 2019, 2018)

FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India

  1. Big Data Analytics for Managers (Fall 2017)

  2. IT Analytics (Fall 2017)