3rd DHandNLP


12 March 2024, from 9.30am to 5.30pm CET (GMT+1 - Madrid time)

All sessions will be in the Fontán Building, Room 9


Opening 9.30am

Session 1: 9.30am-11am

Chair: Leonardo Zilio

Leonardo Zilio, Rafaela Radünz Lazzari and Maria Jose Bocorny Finatto

Can rules still beat neural networks? The case of automatic normalisation for 18th-century Portuguese texts [presentation]

Inês Bico, Jorge Baptista, Fernando Batista and Esperança Cardeira

Support Verb Constructions in Medieval Portuguese: Evidence from the CTA Corpus [presentation]

Daniel De Los Reyes, Renata Vieira, Fernanda Olival, Helena Cameron and Fátima Farrica

Analysing entity distribution in an annotated 18th-century historical source [presentation]

COFFEE BREAK: 11am-11.30am

Session 2: 11.30am-1pm

Chair:  Adriana Pagano

Ana Clara de Souza Pagano, Carlos Antônio De Souza Perini, Evandro Landulfo Teixeira Paradela Cunha and Adriana Silvina Pagano 

Authorship attribution in translated texts: a stylometric approach to translator style [presentation]

Adile Uka and Maria Berger

Can Style Help Plagiarism Detection? A Sample-based Quantitative Study of Correlation between Style Specifics and Plagiarism [presentation]

Elyah Frisco Andriantsialo, Volatiana Marielle Ratianantitra and Thomas Mahatody 

Semantic Exploration of Textual Analogies for Advanced Plagiarism Detection [presentation]

LUNCH BREAK 1pm-2.30pm

Session 3: 2.30pm-4pm

Chair: Renata Vieira

João Pedro Araújo Ferreira Campos, Natalia Resende, Ricardo de Souza and Gilson Iannini 

Psychoanalytic Studies in the Digital Humanities: Employing Topic Modeling with an LLM to Decode Dreams During the Brazilian Pandemic [presentation]

Erik Bran Marino, Renata Vieira, Jesus Manuel Benitez Baleato, Ana Sofia Vieira Ribeiro and Katarina Laken 

Decoding Sentiments about Migration in Portuguese Political Manifestos (2011, 2015, 2019) [presentation]

Klara Kozolić, Gaurish Thakkar and Nives Mikelić Preradović 

Revealing Public Opinion Sentiment Landscape: Eurovision Song Contest Sentiment Analysis [presentation]

COFFEE BREAK: 4pm-4.30pm

Session 4: 4.30pm-5.30pm

Chair: Helena Cameron

Isaac Souza de Miranda Jr., Wick-Pedro Gabriela, Cláudia Dias de Barros and Oto Vale 

Roda Viva boundaries: an overview of an audio-transcription corpus [presentation]

Dalmo Buzato and Átila Vital 

Creating datasets for emergent contact languages preservation [presentation]

Closing 5.30pm