Workshop on Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis -Celebration of Professor Miyuki Koiso's Retirement-


・Date: March 22nd ~ 24th, 2022

・Place: Online (Zoom) & Kyushu University, Ito Campus, INAMORI Center

Remark: The conference itself is scheduled to be held at Kyushu University for the Japanese speakers who wish to attend and organizers, and online for the remaining speakers and participants.

Application for participation: Registration Form

Zoom link for the workshop will be announced to participants.

Invited Speakers

Miyuki Koiso (Kyushu University)

Jaigyoung Choe (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

Atsufumi Honda (Yokohama National University)

Yu Kawakami (Kanazawa University)

Nobumitsu Nakauchi (Yamaguchi University)

Bennett Palmer (Idaho State University)

Paolo Piccione (University of São Paulo)

Toshihiro Shoda (Kansai University)

Masaaki Umehara (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Mototsugu Watanabe (Kanazawa University)

Kotaro Yamada (Tokyo Institute of Technology)



Title of talks

・Miyuki Koiso (Kyushu University)

Title: Variational problems for surfaces

・Jaigyoung Choe (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

Title: Existence of four free boundary minimal annuli in a tetrahedron

Abstract: Please click the mark "∨" on the right.

Abstract: It will be shown that for any tetrahedron T with acute dihedral angles there exist four embedded minimal annuli in T which are perpendicular to the boundary of T. It will be also proved that every Platonic solid contains five types of free boundary embedded minimal surfaces of genus zero.

・Atsufumi Honda (Yokohama National University)

Title: Singularities and type-changes of spacelike CMC surfaces

・Yu Kawakami (Kanazawa University) & Mototsugu Watanabe (Kanazawa University)

Title: Recent advances in value distribution of the Gauss map of complete minimal surfaces

・Nobumitsu Nakauchi (Yamaguchi University)

Title: A variational problem on conformality of maps and related problems

・Bennett Palmer (Idaho State University)

Title: Elastic surfaces with elastic boundaries

・Paolo Piccione (University of São Paulo)

Title: Minimal 2-spheres in ellipsoids via global bifurcation theory

Abstract: Please click the mark "∨" on the right.

Abstract: I will give an overview of classical results in variational Bifurcation Theory, present some applications to geometric variational problems, and discuss a concrete problem concerning the multiplicity of minimal 2-spheres inside sufficiently elongated ellipsoids.

・Toshihiro Shoda (Kansai University)

Title: On the non-existence of new families of triply periodic minimal surfaces

・Masaaki Umehara (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Title: Null hypersurfaces as wave fronts in Lorentz-Minkowski space

・Kotaro Yamada (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Title: Line theorems for zero mean curvature hypersurfaces in Lorentzian manifolds


Click here for the program file.


Eriko Shinkawa (Tohoku University)

Shintaro Akamine (Nihon University)

Yoshiki Jikumaru (Kyushu University)

Kento Okuda (Kyushu University)

Supported by

・Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area), Grant Number: 20H04642, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

・Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, Grant Number: 19K14527, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

・TUMUG Support Project, Tohoku University Center for Gender Equality Promotion