
All lectures will take place in Aula Buzano  (DISMA) at Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24. 

HOW TO REACH Politecnico di Torino:

from Porta Susa train station: You can take tram 10.

from Porta Nuova train station: You can take buses 33, 58, 58/.

A link to GTT - Gruppo Torino Trasporti (Torino transportation system) can be found here


By Plane

Turin is served by the International Airport of Torino-Caselle, which is about 16 km north to the city center. If you decide to reach Turin by plane, you can then move to the city center in the following ways:

By Train

The city is well-connected by a large railway network. The two main stations are Torino Porta Nuova and Torino Porta Susa.