The DFWild-Cup: Deepfake Face Detection In The Wild Competition

IEEE Signal Processing Cup at IEEE ICASSP 2025


The rise of synthetic data generation has heightened the threat of deepfakes, which can be used unethically for manipulating public opinion, geopolitical tension, defamation, and identity theft. This threat is particularly concerning during this significant election season, as deepfake images, videos, and audio are already being circulated for political advantage. The continuous development of new generation techniques makes combating deepfakes increasingly difficult, creating an 'arms race' between attackers and defenders. To address this challenge, the Deepfake Face Detection In The Wild Competition (DFWild-Cup) aims to enhance the generalization of deepfake detectors by having participants develop systems that can distinguish between real and computer-generated facial images in diverse, real-world scenarios.


The challenge utilizes a collection of eight publicly available datasets from DeepfakeBench. To test generalization, the test dataset may also include samples from newly generated datasets, with anonymized file names to prevent source identification.


The DFWild-Cup focuses on identifying whether images are real or fake, with real images being natural photos or snapshots from real videos, and fake images generated by various synthesis or forgery techniques or from computer-generated videos. Participants will receive training and test data sets, with the task of training a detector to score each test image, where a higher score indicates a real image and a lower score indicates a fake image. A training set comprising real and fake images from multiple datasets will be provided, and participants must justify any subset selection. After registration, participants will have access to the training, validation (development), and test (evaluation) sets, and they must submit final scores for the test images for challenge evaluation and ranking.

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Thank you for your interest! Follow these two quick steps to register and get started with the challenge.


Md Sahidullah 


Jaqueline Rash, SPS Membership Program and Events Administrator 


Angshul Majumdar, Chair 



This competition is sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society and MathWorks: