Dr. Maitreyee Dey

Lecturer (Assistant Professor)

Deputy-Director in Business Engagement

Maitreyee Dey is a Lecturer at London Metropolitan University in the Department of Computer  Science and Applied Computing. She is also the Lead Machine Learning Engineer at Neuville Grid Data and a Visiting Fellow at London South Bank University. 

Before joining LondonMet she was a Post-doctoral research fellow in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, at London South Bank University, and holds the post of Data Mining Lead of Neuville Grid Data Management Limited. She is working on Solar farm data analysis using machine learning and data mining methods for the Access to Innovation (A2i) and Low Carbon London (LCLDN) project funded by the EU Commission through its regional development Fund in collaboration with London South Bank University and Neuville Grid Data Management Limited. 

She completed her PhD at London South Bank University, London, U.K. The project was a part of Innovate UK on Machine Learning Techniques from Building Energy Management Systems under the School of Engineering, London South Bank University. She received her bachelor's (B. Tech) and master's (M. Tech) Degrees from West Bengal University of Technology, respectively from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. 

She worked as a junior research fellow at Jadavpur University, India on automatic target recognition from U.S. Army FLIR imagery. The project was funded by "The Technical Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP) project" and "The Tata Consultancy Research Scholar Program (TCS-RSP)". 

Her research interests include machine learning, pattern recognition, big data analysis, deep learning, image processing, energy optimization in smart buildings, renewable energy technology, and Computer-aided Diagnosis using  Machine Learning/AI for smart health.