Durham-Edinburgh eXtragalactic Workshop 

11th - 12th January 2024

Thank you all the attendees, LOC, and SOC!

Galaxy Evolution and Cosmological Insights Across Cosmic Time 

We are entering a new era of discovery, thanks to the wealth of data in an unprecedented redshift range, provided by cutting-edge multi-wavelength facilities (e.g., JWST, LSST, LOFAR, VLT, HST, ALMA) and large-scale spectroscopic surveys (e.g., Euclid, DESI, WEAVE, 4MOST, MOONS). From the theory side, semi-analytic modelling and state-of-the-art cosmological simulations (e.g., MillenniumTNG, Flamingo, Eagle, Apostle, Simba) promise to offer deeper physical insights on the connections between galaxy evolution and cosmology.

The workshop will primarily focus on key questions for galaxy formation and evolution across cosmic time:

We will bring together theorists, simulators and observers from Durham, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Lancaster and Newcastle to address these and other topical questions in a collegial and constructive atmosphere. Following the tradition of previous DEX workshops, the gathering will serve as a platform for fostering collaborations among researchers from the different institutions. Early career researchers and PhD students are especially encouraged to submit an abstract.

This meeting will be held in Durham: a virtual attendance option is available although we encourage attending in person. Pre-registration and abstract submission is now closed. A preliminary programme is now available, and will be updated regularly.

All in-person participants must confirm their attendance by registering and, if applicable, paying the conference dinner fee (see Registration page). Registration for virtual attendance will remain open until the start of the meeting. 

More information regarding the format of the meeting are provided in the Information page.

We expect all attendees to adhere to the DEX code of conduct which can be found here.

Please contact astro.secretary [at] if you have any questions. 

Scientific Organising Committee (SOC)

   Durham Local Organising Committee (LOC)