Handy Moves: 

Dexterity in Multi-Fingered Hands

--- Overcoming Challenges, Unlocking Potential

Multi-fingered robotic hands hold an immense potential for flexible manipulation in human environments. From using tools like scissors to preparing food, handling cloth, and robustly tying shoelaces, many mundane activities are enabled by - or become more flexible with - additional degrees of freedom, allowing for in-hand manipulation and dexterous environment interaction. With the ongoing waves of advancement in artificial intelligence, learning techniques, robust teleoperation, the proliferation of affordable tactile sensors, and the expansion of diverse datasets, we are closer than ever to overcome major existing challenges and unlock unprecedented levels of dexterity in robotic manipulation.

However, we also acknowledge the current state of research: In practical applications, multi-fingered hands usually demonstrate a lower grasping and manipulation success rate compared to two-fingered parallel grippers; more robotic datasets and benchmarks focus on grippers than on multi-fingered hands; and grippers already serve a wide range of industrial applications. 

In light of these challenges, this workshop is dedicated to exploring a critical question: how can we overcome the challenges of dexterous manipulation and unlock the potential of multi-fingered hands? 

This workshop intends to answer this question in four key aspects:

The objective of this workshop is to foster collaboration among researchers at all career stages with a strong interest in robotics, artificial intelligence, control theory, mechanical design, and related fields. The workshop promises rich dialogue among leading experts from both academic and industrial backgrounds. Accepted papers will be presented in poster sessions and contributed talks. 

Through these events, participants will gain insights into the latest breakthroughs and collaborative opportunities, setting the stage for future innovations in dexterous manipulation.

    Invited Speakers    

listed alphabetically

Antonio Bicchi


Full Professor

 University of Pisa, IIT

Aude Billard


Full Professor


Oliver Brock


Full Professor

Technical University Berlin

Ankur Handa


Principal Research Scientist 


Josie Hughes


Assistant Professor


Tengyu Liu


Research Scientist

Lerrel Pinto


Assistant Professor

New York University

Shuran Song


Assistant Professor

Stanford University

Xiaolong Wang


Assistant Professor

UC San Diego

    Call for papers 📜    

We solicit up to 4 pages extended abstracts (excluding references and supplementary material). Submissions can include original research, dataset or benchmark design, applications and literature reviews that bridge the research areas pertinent to this workshop. Submissions will be externally peer-reviewed by two experts and rated based on technical content and their ability to positively contribute to the workshop. All accepted contributions will be presented in interactive poster sessions. A subset of accepted contributions will be featured in the workshop as 3-minute spotlight presentations.

The following list contains some areas of interest, but work in other related areas is also welcomed:

We accept submissions in the official IEEE templates (LaTeX and Word) and highly encourage papers with video as supplementary content. 

Reviews will be single-blind.

Submission is managed through OpenReview: https://openreview.net/forum?id=G3JuZV5NBbF

   Three best poster awards 🎉    

Three best poster awards for the best-extended abstract will reflect both the quality of the document, as well as the quality of the presentation and the poster interaction. Agile Robots & Franka Robotics proudly sponsor 500$ prize award for each winner!!!  

An independent committee will be selected to judge the contributions and select the winners.

    Important dates ⏰    

All deadlines are "anywhere on earth" (AoE):


Shuang Li

Technical University of Munich

Michael Görner

University of 


Kenneth Shaw

Carnegie Mellon University

Haozhi Qi



Shihan Lu

Northwestern University

Kevin Zhang

Carnegie Mellon University

Arjun Lakshmipathy

Carnegie Mellon University

Abdeldjallil Naceri

Technical University of Munich


Technical University of Munich

   Workshop Advisory Board   

Kevin Lynch

Northwestern University

Sami Haddadin

Technical University of Munich

Nancy Pollard

Carnegie Mellon University

Oliver Kroemer

Carnegie Mellon University

Robert Ambrose

Texas A&M University

Jianwei Zhang

University of Hamburg

    Endorsements and Sponsorship