Join the Lab!

Photo by Kris Williams

Want to Join the Developmental Social Vision Lab?

**Currently accepting applications for a possible ESRC-supported PhD studentship: Deadline 3rd Feb**

PhD positions: Currently accepting application for a competitive ESRC-supported PhD studentship. Please contact Dr. Koldewyn directly to discuss possible projects. The link to the application is here.

For students wishing to self-fund or apply for their own funding to support a PhD position within the Lab, please contact Dr. Koldewyn.

Postdoctoral fellowships: Please contact Dr. Koldewyn if you are interested in applying for a Postdoctoral Fellowship to work in the lab. Kami is happy to support such applications from excellent candidates. A number of funding bodies offer competitive fellowships for postdocs coming from anywhere in the world, including the British Academy, the ESRC, the BBSRC, Marie Curie/FP7, and the DAAD and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (for postdocs coming from Germany/of German nationality).

Volunteer internships for students from any country of the world are available within the lab. Please contact Dr. Koldewyn to discuss ideas and your interest in the lab.

Undergrad final year projects for 2nd year Bangor undergrads interested in completing a project in social perception as their bachelors project.

Projects at the Masters level for Masters students engaged in most Masters Courses offered in the School of Psychology at Bangor University will be available within the lab in the fall of 2021. Such projects would focus on some aspect of social perception and could include training in developmental, eye-tracking and/or neuroimaging methods and approaches.

Fulbright fellowships for talented American graduates who wish to undertake research or complete a masters degree in the UK are available, and the lab is happy to support applications for this and similar fellowships.