Cool Python Projects

Birthday Estimator:

import datetime

def get_birthday_from_user():

year = int(input('What year were you born? '))

month = int(input('What month were you born? '))

day = int(input('What day were you born? ')),month,day)

return user_bday

def compute_days_between_dates(bday2,today2):

bday2 =,bday2.month,

days3 = bday2 - today2

print(days3, type(days3))

return days3.days

def print_birthday_information(bday4):

if bday4 < 0:

print('Your Birthday was {0} days ago!'.format(-bday4))

def main ():

user_bday2 = get_birthday_from_user()

today =

days_to_bday = compute_days_between_dates(user_bday2,today)



Guess that Number Game:

import random

print("I have thought of a number between 1 and 10. But I will not tell you, you have to guess it.")

the_number = random.randint(1, 10)

username = input("What is your name? ")

if username == 'Abhinav Gupta':

print("Hello Abhinav Gupta, my name is Alexa.")

user_int = -1

while user_int != the_number:

user_input = input("Guess a number between 1 and 10. ")

user_int = int(user_input)

if user_int > the_number:

print('Oh No {0}, Your guess {1} is too high!'.format(username, user_int))

elif user_int < the_number:

print('Uh Oh, {0} Your guess {1} is to small!'.format(username, user_int))



print("Well Done, take rest now.")

Next Leap Year Project:

print("In this app you will know when the next leap year is this year a leap year.")

what_is_leap_year = input("Do you know what a leap year is? a)YES or b)NO? ")

if what_is_leap_year == 'a':


elif what_is_leap_year == 'b':

print("I will tell you.")

print("A leap year happens every 4 years when February has 29 days, understand.")


print("Next I will tell you if it is a leap year now.")

what_year = int(input("What year is it? "))

division = (float(what_year/4))

if division.is_integer():

print('The year {} is a leap year'.format(what_year))


print("It is not a leap year.")

division_int = int(division)

for x in range(2):

next_division = division_int + 1

next_leap_year = next_division * 4

print('The next leap year will happen in {}'.format(next_leap_year))

division_int = division_int + 1

print("I hope you liked this calendar game!")

Calculator Project:

def divide (user_number_3, user_number_4):

result1 = user_number_3 / user_number_4

return result1

def add (user_number_3, user_number_4):

result2 = user_number_3 + user_number_4

return result2

def multiply (user_number_3, user_number_4):

result3 = user_number_3 * user_number_4

return result3

def subtraction (user_number_3, user_number_4):

result4 = user_number_3 - user_number_4

return result4

def main ():

user_choice = input("Do you want to a)add or b)multiply c)divide d) subtract - Enter a, b , c, or d ")

user_number_1 = int(input('Enter first number '))

user_number_2 = int(input('Enter second number '))

if user_choice == 'a':

result = add(user_number_1, user_number_2)

print('The result is: {}'.format(result))

print("Hope you had fun with our calculator!")

if user_choice == 'b':

result = multiply(user_number_1, user_number_2)

print('The result is: {}'.format(result))

print("Hope you had fun with our calculator!")

if user_choice == 'c':

result = divide(user_number_1, user_number_2)

print('The result is: {}'.format(result))

print("Hope you had fun with our calculator!")

if user_choice == 'd':

result = subtraction(user_number_1, user_number_2)

print('The result is: {}'.format(result))

print("Hope you had fun with our calculator!")


Car Shopping Project:


print('CAR TIME')

print('Welcome Shopper - Lets take you on a car shopping journey!!!')





user_car = input('Do you want a) sports car, b) a luxury car,or a c) normal car d) Nothing? Enter a,b,c,or d - ')

#just giving value to variables to start with

user_like = 'az'

if user_car == 'd':

print('Bye Bye!')


#code for sports car

if user_car == 'a':

print('Welcome Sports Car shopper')

user_money= input('How much money do you want to spend (in million dollars?)')

user_money_int = int(user_money)

user_model = input('Choose from these cars - a) Bugatti Chiron; b) Lamborghini Huracan c) Bugatti Divo,Choose a,b or c - ')

if user_model== 'a':

number_of_cars = (user_money_int)/3

car_name = 'Bugatti Chiron'

elif user_model == 'b':

number_of_cars = (user_money_int)/0.5

car_name = 'Lamborghini Huracan'

elif user_model == 'c' :

number_of_cars = (user_money_int)/6

car_name = 'Bugatti Divo'

print('***** You can buy {0} {1} '.format(number_of_cars,car_name))

#Chiron = 3M, Huracan = 0.3M, Divo = 6M


#code for luxury car

if user_car == 'b':

print('Welcome Luxury Car shopper')

user_money2=input('How much money do you want to spend(in millions?) ')

user_money2_int = int(user_money2)

user_model2 = input('Choose from these cars - a) Rolls Royce; b) Audi c) BMW, choose a,b,or c - ')

if user_model2 == 'a' or 'Rolls Royce':

number_of_cars2 = (user_money2_int)/1

car_name= 'Rolls Royce'

elif user_model2 =='b' or 'Audi':

number_of_cars2 = (user_money2_int)/0.1

car_name = 'Audi'

elif user_model2 =='c' or 'BMW':

number_of_cars2 = (user_money2_int)/0.2

car_name = 'BMW'

print('***** You can buy {0} {1} cars'.format(number_of_cars2,car_name))

#Royce = 1M, Audi = 0.1M , BMW = 0.2M


#code for normal car

if user_car == 'c':

print('Welcome Normal Car shopper')

user_money3= input('How much money do you want to spend(in thousand dollars)?')

user_money3_int = int(user_money3)

user_model3 = input('Choose from these cars - a) Toyota Corolla; b) Nissan Altima c) Honda Accord, choose a,b,or c - ')

if user_model3 == 'a' :

number_of_cars3 = (user_money3_int)/19.6

car_name = 'Toyota Corolla'

elif user_model3 == 'b' :

number_of_cars3 = (user_money3_int)/21.1

car_name = 'Nissan Altima'

elif user_model3 == 'c' :

number_of_cars3 = (user_money3_int)/20

car_name = 'Honda Accord'

print('***** You can buy {0} {1} cars'.format(number_of_cars3,car_name))

#Toyota = 19.6K, Nissan = 21.1K, Honda = 20K

print('***** Hope you enjoyed shopping with us *****')


if user_car !='d':

user_like = input('How did you like the experience of shopping a car? a) GOOD OR b) BAD? ')

if user_like == 'a':

print('Thanks! We are sooooooooo happy to see you happy!')

else: print('I will someday make you feel that you like this Car Shopper!')