Diné Bizaad Bitsisiléí Bóhoo’aah: 

A Basis for Learning Navajo 

Thesis project containing a brief guide for those beginning to learn Diné Bizaad (Navajo)


New Final Thesis 7-3.pdf

The guide goes through sections focused on Letters and sounds, nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, and postpositions. New ideas are approached from an English-speaking perspective to extend into the Diné Bizaad system. Tables are provided to help comprehension of grammatical concepts. Audio is also provided via scanning a QR code that redirects the reader to a Soundcloud page associated with the topic of concern. 

Some tables contained in the project.

Soundcloud (Kin Łichíi’nii):

Other Projects

Online NAvajo LEsson

This ongoing project starts with a lesson on the letters and sounds of Diné Bizaad (Navajo). the time is around 25 minutes. I expect to continue the lessons using my thesis project as a sort of reference. 

Talking Dictionaries: Navajo Verb Modes

This website was developed by the Navajo Language Academy and Swarthmore College. The Academy tries to meet every summer for Navajo language workshops and experts on the language meet with Linguist Ted Fernald and Web Designer Jeremy Fahringer to expand the Navajo talking dictionary. 

My contribution included helping to input translations into the website’s spreadsheet after gathering the information from elder Navajo members. My basic Navajo understanding helped me catch and correct errors that may have otherwise been overlooked.