Gone but Never Forgotten

Once upon a time there was a man and a woman who were happily married for over twenty years and counting! During one summer evening this married couple both decided that they were hungry and wanted to go out and grab a bite to eat for dinner. Both the husband and wife got into the car to get ready to go eat.

In the car the husband asked, "What would you like to eat for dinner, honey?"

The wife then replied, "Ummm, I don't have anything particular in mind, so I don't care where we eat."

So the husband said, "Alright then, I'm feeling Mexican food tonight so let's go to Chipotle for dinner," but the wife then replied with a stern "no" to Chipotle because she just ate it for lunch the day before.

So the husband then suggested that they go to McDonald's because he had a coupon that he received in the mail for a buy one get one free burger there and it would save them some money that could be spent on other things. The wife quickly shut that option down saying that she wanted better quality food than that and also something that had healthy options to choose from.

The husband then came up with the idea of going to a sit-down restaurant like Texas Road House but the wife didn't want to because the next episode of her favorite show, The Bachelor, was coming on in an hour and she absolutely could not miss that for anything.

As tension started to run high the husband had the idea of going to Subway, but the wife did not want that either saying that she was not in the mood for a sandwich at the moment.

The husband now became aggravated because they had now sat in the car for ten minutes with no decision on what they will eat.

The husband then angrily said, "Alright, we are going to Pei Wei and I don't want to hear another word because my decision is final and nothing you say will change it." The wife quickly replied to the husband's angry comment and said that she was not in the mood to eat Asian food at the moment either and did not want that for dinner.

The wife then came to the realization that she actually did want Chipotle again so she told her husband that they could go there but it was already too late. The husband was very agitated about this whole situation and had already made up his mind. He was sticking to what he meant and said that they were going to Pei Wei to eat dinner and it was final. The wife kept arguing with the husband saying how much she did not want Pei Wei for dinner but once again the husband would not budge on his decision no matter what. So the wife had to sit in the car while the husband drove them both to Pei Wei as she was wishing she would have said they could have gone to Chipotle earlier.

Author's Note

For my story I decided that I would keep the same concept that the original story, "Man in the Moon," had and put a modern twist onto it. The general concept of the story is to appreciate the things or options that you have because even though something may not seem good at the time, you may miss it when it's not available anymore. In the original story there was a blacksmith who was tired of his job because it was always hot and exhausting so he wanted to be something else so that he would be cool and not worry about the heat. The blacksmith ended up encountering a wizard who fulfilled his wishes of wanting to be something else starting with a stone, to a stone cutter, then the sun and eventually wanting to be the moon. After the moon he wanted to be a blacksmith again but the wizard was tired of the blacksmith making so many wishes so he didn't fulfill his last wish and the blacksmith was stuck being a moon forever. So for my story I had a husband and wife decide where to eat and the husband making decisions that kept getting denied so he got tired and stuck with the last choice that was picked.


"Man in the Moon" Laos Folk-Lore by Katherine Neville Fleeson

Image Source: Pexels

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