Devil's Liminal Demo -

Content Warnings

These warnings may contain spoilers.

Unless specified as being visually depicted, these content warnings are for written text.

This game features prominent horror themes. Please review the content warnings for any potentially sensitive topics. The warnings are sorted by in-game day.

General/Pervasive Themes

Abusive parent

The main character’s parent is neglectful and abusive. This colors most of their interactions, and some physical abuse happens.

Body anxiety

The main character experiences anxiety about her body size, and there are a few scenes where other characters make comments that send her thoughts spiraling.


The main character’s family is low income, and she suffers from the living conditions this puts them in. A few times, there is conflict/anxiety about the notion of other people seeing their living conditions. This stems mostly from the main character’s abusive parent.


The main character experiences and partakes in several occult happenings. She finds and uses spells, and a lot of the main conflict in the story stems from the supernatural.


The main character goes through events that make her question what is real, and she mentions a few times that she wants to believe in supernatural and fantastical events. She is also quite detached from her life during the story due to the bleak nature of her home life.

Content Warnings by Day

The below content warnings do contain spoilers.


Violence mention

A character is described having had his face smashed in with a tire iron. No context is provided for the violence.

Blood mention

A character is described having blood collected in his throat, which he swallows.

Bruise mention

A character is described as suffering from his bruised skin

Trouble breathing

A character is described as having trouble breathing.

Freezing to death mention

A character contemplates whether the cold could kill him.

June 8th

Interacting with abusive parent

The main character’s abusive parent is dismissive, but no abuse happens in the scene.

Animal suffering

The main character finds a cat that is not well, and in need of medical assistance. The cat has no graphic injuries and is alive, and brought to a veterinarian.

Military mention

The main character works at a veterans home, and interacts with elderly and disabled veterans.

Abuse injury mentioned

The main character’s boss comments on the main character's heterochromia, which is a result of physical abuse the main character faced. It is mentioned in passing as a curious thing, the abuse is not mentioned and the main character doesn’t seem bothered by the mention.

A character smokes tobacco (optional, hang out with Lee)

An ex of the main character smokes. He mentions struggling to quit, and starting again when stressed.

Teenage pregnancy mention (optional, ask about rumors)

The main character had rumors spread about her in school that she had to drop out because of a teenage pregnancy. The rumor is untrue, but it’s acknowledged that it’s an unkind one.

Homophobia (optional, ask about rumors)

The main character had rumors spread about her in school that she had to drop out because she’s a lesbian. It is understood that people in her school consider this a bad thing.

Interacting with abusive parent

The main character’s parent is annoyed and short with the main character for something unreasonable, but no abuse happens in the scene.

June 9th

Animal suffering mention

The cat the main character found injured and brought to a vet is mentioned as having been severely dehydrated. The vet mentions the cat has made a full recovery, but the cat is missing now.

Interacting with abusive parent

The main character’s parent is short and passive aggressive with her about giving her a ride to work, regardless of whether or not the main character accepts the ride.

Military service mention

A character mentions her grandmother serving in the military in the Army Nurse Corps. She regards her grandmother positively.

Lucid dream

The main character has a lucid dream of her own bedroom.

June 10th

Physical and mental decline mention

The main character describes how some veterans have varying physical and mental struggles and needs.

Aging anxiety

The main character briefly becomes stressed and anxious about aging, and not knowing her family’s medical history.

Mild peer pressure

If the player chooses not to hang out with one of the main character’s friends, the friend will insist until the main character relents.

Interacting with abusive parent

The main character’s parent is dismissive and uninterested. Later she is passive aggressive about the main character having used dishes.

June 11th

Distressed animal depiction (optional, hang out with Bec)

The main character and another character meet the same cat from before, but the other character is afraid of the cat, and the cat becomes very agitated, hisses, yowls and tries to scratch. The character in turn is very distressed, seeming near tears.

Anxiety over abusive parent (optional, hang out with Bec)

The main character experiences anxiety over having someone close to her home, and recounts times her parent got upset and gave her grief unreasonably over having friends see their home.

Interaction with/anxiety over abusive parent (optional, hang out with Bec)

Depending on the player’s choices, the main character will either fret more about fearing a potential big reaction from her parent, or be actually confronted by her parent about the very thing she was anxious about.

Homophobia (optional, hang out with Bec)

Depending on the player’s choices, the main character will be confronted by her parent who will make demeaning and vaguely homophobic comments about having someone close to the home.

Scorpion and snake mention (optional, don’t hang out with Bec)

Depending on the player’s choices, the main character worries about running into scorpions or snakes. Neither appear in the scene, but they are presented as a genuine concern.

Results of implied past gun violence depicted (optional, don’t hang out with Bec)

Depending on the player’s choices, the main character will come across an old abandoned car with bullet holes in it. No injuries, harm or suffering because of gun violence is depicted, and the events happened long ago.

Bible depicted/occult depicted (optional, don’t hang out with Bec)

The main character finds an old leather Bible, it is shown open on the first page, and occult text and symbols have been drawn onto it. The main character flips through the rest of the Bible, and more occult text has been written in the margins.

Blood mention (optional, don’t hang out with Bec)

The main character finds text describing a spell which requires blood.

Food anxiety/neglect

The main character’s parent has hidden food and dishes from her, so she can’t make herself something to eat when she is hungry late at night.

June 12th

Food anxiety/neglect

The main character’s parent has hidden food and dishes from her, so she can’t make herself something to eat for breakfast.

Elderly poor health mention

At the main character’s job, her boss mentions the floor they’re on mainly has veterans who are there because they have health problems. No specifics are mentioned and nobody is depicted explicitly suffering.

Military mention

Some more specifics are mentioned about some of the veteran’s time in the military. No detailed experiences are described.


Men at the veterans home are mentioned playing cards.

Peer pressure

An ex of the main character asks to hang out. The player has the option to say no, but the ex will insist until the main character relents.


The main character is described getting stressed and anxious about waiting alone for her ex at the movie theater.

Parent death mention

The main character's ex crudely brings up her father dying. The conversation makes the main character anxious, and her ex makes a rude comment about it.

Unwanted touching

The main character’s ex is overly familiar and touchy. He places his hand on the main character’s shoulder which she doesn’t seem comfortable with. In the same scene, after saying something that makes her very uncomfortable, he puts his hand on her leg and moves it higher. She pushes his hand away, clearly uncomfortable. He is upset and huffy about this happening.

Tobacco mention

A character mentions going to go have a smoke.

Mental illness used as an insult (optional, ride with Jade)

A friend of the main character mentions overhearing her ex complain about a “crazy chick”. He is not shown saying this directly and it isn’t clear who it is directed at.

Homophobia (optional, ride with Bec)

After being brought home by a friend, the main character's mother will make a snide remark that can easily be interpreted as stemming from homophobia. The main character ignores her.

June 13th

Food anxiety/abusive parent

As the main character wakes up, she realizes she can’t make breakfast because her parent has hidden all the dishes. She asks about it and is told her parent is tired of washing dishes, and the main character needs to use paper plates, which her parent has also hidden.

Abusive parent/anxiety

The main character will lament her situation, and express feeling frustrated and hopeless. Depending on the player choices (stand up for yourself), there will be a short argument between the main character and her parent, in which the parent will claim providing housing justifies her behavior.

Occult mention

The main character ponders whether the cat she’s been seeing is a girl she’s been seeing in her dreams. Later, she wonders if the cat could really speak with the spell she read about.

Blood mention

The main character recalls a spell she read about requiring blood, and feels bad about the idea of her blood being involved.

Implied blood illness

The main character thinks about how she isn’t sure if she is sick when her blood comes up.

Grave robbery mention

The main character overhears a news segment about a series of grave robberies in the area lately. She briefly thinks about it, remembering hearing about them as a child.

Parental anxiety

The main character looks in the mirror and briefly thinks about the fact she resents looking like her father.


The main character uses the Bible to read the spells written in the margins.

Tetanus mention

The main character experiences anxiety about being bitten by a cat, and briefly contemplates if she could get tetanus from it.


For a spell, the main character requires her blood. A cat bites her, drawing blood, and she reacts in pain. She places the blood on a music box, and the bloodied music box is depicted in a close-up image for an extended time. She learns that more blood is needed for an additional spell.


The main character uses a spell from a book to enable a cat to speak in a human voice briefly.

June 14th

Body anxiety

The main character’s friend makes a comment about her clothing size while shopping together. The main character experiences some anxious thoughts and has trouble enjoying herself at the store.

Suicide reference

A friend of the main character’s wonders if someone looks like a SuicideGirl. No reference to actual suicide is made in the scene.

Church mention

The main character thinks about how her friend used to go to Church a lot.

Pre-transition gender mention

A transgender character mentions not being a boy anymore when talking about her childhood.

Blood/injury mention

A friend of the main character’s mentions that when they were children, they once touched their scraped knees together.

June 15th

Insect mention

The main character mentions being afraid of cockroaches living in a hole in her floor.

Grave robbery mention

The main character overhears her mother listening to the news, where they mention grave robberies happening.

Interacting with abusive parent

The main character’s parent is short and rude with her about not being able to drive.

Parent privacy invasion

The main character mentions keeping an item on her because she fears her parent will find it in her room, implying that her parent searches her room when she is not there.


The main character has a dream about a girl who is implied to be the cat she’s been seeing. The girl says she needs the main character’s help.

June 16th

Food anxiety

The main character sneaks into her parent’s room to use some dishes that the parent has been hiding from her.


The main character prepares for and executes a ritual.

Blood/self harm

The main character uses a music box, which has some dried up blood on it. She uses a sharp part of the music box to draw more blood, wincing in pain.


The main character strikes a match and sets a small music box on fire. She lingers to stare at the flame of the match before dropping it.


The main character initiates a ritual, and everything around her briefly disappears.

Animal suffering/gore

A cat transforms into a human being. The transformation is painful, explicit and gory. The transformation is described in text but not visually depicted. A close up of the main character staring in horror with blood splatters on her face is shown.


A close up of the main character staring in horror with blood splatters on her face is shown.


A character is shown coughing and struggling, and then vomits up blood and bone. The character is clearly not doing well and suffering. Her body is covered in blood.


A character is shown visually from the back, nude and covered in blood. She has an occult symbol tattooed on her back. The nudity is not explicit or sexual. The character is in distress.


The main character is told she is the only one who can see and hear another character, who laments barely existing. Later, the character disappears suddenly when someone else enters the room.

Food anxiety/body shaming/abusive parent

The main character’s parent yells at her for having used a bowl. The parent insults the main character, implying she eats too much.

Physical abuse

The main character’s parent yells at her and grabs her hair. When the main character reacts by pushing her parent away, she screams and threatens to call the police on her and kick her out of the house.

June 17th

Avoiding abusive parent

The main character rushes out of the house in the morning in an effort not be around her abusive parent. Later, the main character goes to an activity she’s not interested in to avoid going home to her parent.

Blood mention

The main character struggles to distract herself from thinking about the blood she witnessed.

Abuse injury

The main character combs through her hair and finds loose hair from her abusive parent pulling at her hair. The main character recounts the abuse, and has spiraling thoughts about the injury being visible or permanent. Later, she unconsciously goes through her hair again and loose hair gets pulled out.

Military mention

The main character and her boss talk to a resident at the veterans home, and they briefly allude to her military service.

Mental illness used as an insult

The main character’s ex complains about “crazy chicks”. He doesn’t go into specifics about who he’s talking about or why he feels this way about them.

Church mention

The main character’s ex wonders out loud if she should join him going to church again. He implies that will correct her from any interest in occult things when it’s brought up tangentially.

Bible mention

The main character mentions to someone finding a Bible she thinks is weird. The other character suggests a Bible can’t be too bad.

Unwanted advance

The main character’s ex suggests they go to his place. It is understood he has ulterior motives. When the main character rejects him, it is implied he feigns being unable to pay for their meal.


The main character and another character discuss materials needed for a ritual, and whether the main character has a soul.

June 18th


The main character laments not knowing what to think or do about a ritual.

Military mention

At the veterans home, the main character talks to a resident about her military service. They go into some details about the type of work the resident did at the military.


The main character mentions feeling too anxious to enter a store.

Blood mention/occult

A friend of the main character mentions that as kids, they wanted to touch bloody knees together to form a blood bond.


The main character discusses with another character the nature of a supernatural transformation the other character has been through. She is not keen to answer.

June 19th

Dead parent reference

A character asks the main character about Father’s Day, and there is a moment of awkward silence.


A character explains that nobody else can see her, hear her, or hear the main character talking to her.


A character uses quartz to take a “spirit photo” of the main character. The photo is shown visually as having red lines on it and a flower on the main character’s face. It is explained to represent a demon’s hold on the main character.

June 20th

Dead parent reference

Someone contacts the main character online for a question, mentioning her mother has passed away recently.

Abusive parent/physical abuse

The main character’s parent interrupts the main character’s shower, demanding she stops showering. The parent enters the room and tries to turn off the water, accusing the main character of hitting her and threatening to kick her out when she tries to prevent the water being turned off.


After her abusive parent interrupted her shower, the main character’s thoughts spiral and she laments that she can’t stay in the house.

Tobacco reference (optional, stay with Bec)

A character will mention she used to smoke until her mother made her quit so she could start hormone replacement therapy.

Medical gender transitioning reference

A character briefly mentions being on hormone replacement therapy.

Unreality (optional, stay with Bec)

A character mentions feeling disconnected from and not in control of her life. She mentions feeling like being on auto-pilot.

Body anxiety (optional, stay with Bec)

The main character forgot pajamas, and a friend offers to lend some. The friend doesn’t understand they might not fit, and when they don’t, she has some anxious thoughts about other times she had to borrow clothes from friends’ parents and feeling uncomfortable.

Occult (optional, talk to Clara)

A character briefly discusses souls and demons.

Unreality (optional, talk to Clara)

The main character expresses skepticism and disbelief that what’s happening to her is real. A little later, she questions if the character she’s interacting with is real.

Blood mention (optional, talk to Clara)

A character mentions needing a blood bond to get a body.

Church mention (optional, talk to Clara)

A character mentions her mother teaching her piano to perform at church.

Abusive parent reference (optional, talk to Clara)

A character mentions that the main character’s parent reminds her of her own, implying that both of them have or had an abusive parent.


The main character has a strange dream of her home that feels very life-like. Her home in the dream appears larger than life and distorted.


There is an explicit horror scene where the main character discovers a monster in her bathroom. The scene is slow and the monster is shown on screen, obscured mostly by darkness. The monster attacks and grabs the main character and briefly chases her through the house. It is an unsettling scene, but there are no jump scares or flashing images