What the Bible says aboutSatan's Kingdom

(From Forerunner Commentary)Matthew 12:25-26The demons are a kingdom divided against themselves. Jesus is addressing a challenge that the demon He had just cast out of this person had been cast out by Satan. Jesus' argument is, "No, Satan would never cast out Satan." It would be stupid for Satan to cast himself out. He is not saying that under every condition Satan or other demons will not cast out other demons. Indeed, that does occasionally take place. They are very capable of doing signs and lying wonders. They can make it look as though somebody has been healed, when God has not done the healing at all, but simply by the removal of one demon by a demon of greater power.

We can understand this when we recognize that the governments and most of humanity has been subject to and deceived by demons. Carnal, human nature, is a reflection of the nature of Satan and his demons. What fruit does that produce among men? Can men get along? No. The other side of the coin is that the beings who inspire, guide, direct, or motivate men not to get along with one another cannot get along with themselves either! The only thing that keeps them unified is that at the head of this organization is a demon of such awesome power that he is able to whip them into line from time to time to carry out his bidding. He does it by sheer force. They do not serve in love of him.

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They are a kingdom divided against themselves. They will fall and that is an advantage to us. Being rebellious, they are disorganized. They cannot get their act together. Far more important is they know God exists, and they tremble before Him. They are therefore restrained.

Satan is described as a spirit who is "prince of the power of the air." This phrase has a familiar ring to it, but alternative translations may be better suited to understanding. The New English Bible calls him "commander of the spiritual powers of the air now at work among God's rebel subjects." The Concordat Literal New Testament renders it as "chief of the jurisdiction of the air, the spirit now operating in the sons of stubbornness."

Webster's gives as one of the usages for jurisdiction, "the limits, or territory within which authority may be exercised." This particular jurisdiction is where air exists, tying in with the word "heavenly" in Ephesians 6:12: "[We wrestle] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Here, "heavenly" refers, not to the place of God's throne, but to the first heaven, the air surrounding the earth in which birds fly. This also links with Revelation 18:2 and its "unclean and hated birds," symbolizing demons. Birds operate in the same heaven Satan commands.

Prior to the rebellion, God gave Satan and his demon assistants substantial authority over everything from the earth's atmosphere on down to the earth itself, which includes us, its inhabitants. We must never forget that, in large part, our wrestling, as Paul terms it, is with these spirits. We inhabit the same space they do.

These evil spirits indeed use deceived people to carry out their plans to destroy those in whom God lives. These people are likely under the strong influence of those spirit authorities, and because they are deceived, they are unaware that they are being used! They are not necessarily possessed, as the Bible shows some are, but influenced by demons to act against our best interests.

A factor God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air. Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, symbolized as foul and unclean raptors and carrion-eaters, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us. It is essential to our spiritual well-being to heed Paul's warning in Ephesians 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and they are fighting tooth-and-toenail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights. Earth, the Bible plainly tells us, was "their first estate" (Jude 6, KJV). They hate us because we are becoming like the Father and Son, and because they know this earth, our inheritance, will be taken from them and given to the sons of God, those who are in His image.

On the surface, they have advantages over us because they are invisible to our eyes. In addition, they can, without our even being aware, communicate their thoughts and attitudes to our minds through the very air that supports our lives. Most people in this world do not know they are deceived or how they became deceived. Satan and his demons have not sat us all down to tell us, "We are here to deceive you." We know only because God's Word reveals this truth to us, and we believe it. Despite this happening in our lives, deception can still be communicated to us unless we are astute enough to take care that it does not happen again.

Nevertheless, deception and its resulting behaviors have been communicated to us through the culture we were born into. The culture, the world around us, is the medium of this corrupting communication. We have been freed from deception by God's revelation of Himself, but the urgent admonition from our Lord and Savior is, "Don't be passive concerning the responsibilities your liberation has imposed. Take action because the communication can be reabsorbed, enslaving you once again."

1 John 5:19"Lies in wickedness" should be translated "lies [under the sway of] the wicked one," as the New King James has it. John makes an all-inclusive statement of Satan's position in terms of the earth. The wicked one, the Devil, holds authority over all operations of all cultural systems on earth. He is the king, he holds authority, over what the Bible calls "the world."

There is just enough given here to connect this with the Daniel 2 and 7. What arises in Revelation 13 actually has its beginnings long before Jesus Christ, all the way back to Nimrod, showing a definite time progression. This is the system that rears its head at the end time, but the vision is given so that we will understand that this is the system that Satan has always worked through.

The Bible does not reveal the False Prophet's name or even the number of his name, as it does for the Beast. Instead, we will have to recognize him by his fruits - by what he says and does (Matthew 7:15-20). Yet, even this is a tricky proposition. For instance, the False Prophet will be able to call down fire from heaven, and yet Elijah, a true prophet of God, did the same (I Kings 18:36-38). If we see a man calling fire down from heaven, how do we know whether he is true or false?

The details given about the False Prophet are few. However, if we understand the patterns and motivations that the Bible reveals about the class of people called "false prophets," we will be better equipped to recognize the general mold that the end-time False Prophet will fit.

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The first named ruler of the underworld was Mundus. About two thousand years ago, Mundus was born and gained great power quickly thanks to the consumption of Qliphoth fruit.[1] He seized the Devil Throne from a prior ruler whose name and rank are not known, and became the ruler of the Demon World.

An indeterminate amount of time after Mundus installed himself as the ruler of the Demon World, a devil god called Argosax the Chaos rose to power and notability, and began to covet the devil throne, waging a war against Mundus for power[2]. After a great period of war, the Underworld was split in two sides, one ruled by Argosax and the other by Mundus.

Sometime after this great war, Mundus threatened the Human World with his power and his army, and planned to fuse the realm with the Demon World. Feeling pity for the humans, Mundus' trusted ally and right-hand man, Sparda, betrayed him and fought for the freedom of humans. Defeating him, he then imprisoned the Prince of Darkness in a sealed vault[1]

After Mundus' sealing, Argosax took control of the other half of the Demon World, sudbduing all the other demons present and installing himself as the king of all devils.[3] A few hundred years ago however, his rule was then abruptly interrupted by, Sparda who helped the guardians of Vie de Marli defeat and seal the demon away.[4]

Several years later, Urizen took control of the Demon World, unsealed the portal between Demon World and Human World, killing many humans in Red Grave City in order to obtain the Qliphoth fruit. Even though he was succeeded in eating it, he has been defeated by Dante. After his remerging with V, Vergil who was Dante's brother has finally return and the two worlds once again seperated. As Urizen became inactive, the throne became vacant again.

The fire hell is a particularly cruel and barbaric circle of the Underworld and was conquered by Berial. After his death by Dante, the new ruler was Balrog. However he too has been defeated by Dante, rendering the circle leaderless.

Playing with the Devil is a side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. After hearing a tip-off from the Innkeeper of Uzhitz, Henry goes to see Father Godwin, who has recently been involved with some kind of an argument with Gertrude, the local herbalist.

Talk to Father Godwin in Uzhitz, and ask him if has any work for you. As rumoured, Godwin has been conflict with the local herbalist, Gertrude. Although he admits she's not evil, he's concerned after some of the local gossips tell him that she is inciting some of the local women to witchcraft. Up till now, Gertrude has only concerned herself with healing minor ailments with her herb treatments, but now she's gone too far. 152ee80cbc

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