What is Data Science?

There is a popular saying “your intelligence is only as strong as the data that backs it”, this explains the prowess of the data in human life. As per Forbes 2019 reports, internet data created per day is almost equal to 2.9 quintillion byte. A quintillion byte equals to one billion gigabytes. Every aspect of human life is transformed to data in many ways by the electronic equipment he/she handles daily. The increase in data generation is directly proportional to the development in the wearable devices, IoT, Tweets, mobile communications, etc., Google handles more than 60,000 searches per second, Twitter administer 5 lakh tweets per day, more than 160 million emails sent every day, these all accumulates into vast database ever known to the humankind.

The concept of big data is getting bigger and bigger every second. An estimate of the global economic group states at the end of 2020, data flows will constitute 15 to 22 percent of the global GDP. The impact of data in the Indian economy is becoming vital day by day. At the end of 2030, 50 percent of the Indian economy will be constituted by the data-driven digital market.

The major hurdle in the digital markets is finding insights into data. Data abundance is making it difficult for organizations to get the right insights of data. Data science and data analytics come in handy to deal with unstructured raw data gathered by various sources. Data science is the study of a combination of mathematics, statistics, programming, and capturing data in ingenious ways, the activity of cleansing, and aligning the data.

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This is an umbrella of data manipulation techniques to extract information from data. Data analytics is the science of examining the accumulated raw data to arrive at useful information. The algorithmic or manual process to derive insights into the data.

Applications of data science and data analytics are worth explaining because of its huge influence on our life. An Internet search, Digital advertisements are a major example of data science’s application.

Digital advertisements gradually moving from television to the internet. One contributes most of his/her time on the internet means they creating their own data about their behavior pattern that helps the advertisement companies to analyze and curtail a specified advertisement to his/ her social media page, the super caches allows digital branding and advertisement companies to sell products in an efficient way. The health care industry is a pioneer in the data analytics arena.

One of the first industries to harness the technological advancements of data analytic techniques is the healthcare industry. Patients flow, efficient treatment technique, and patient future illness prediction are done through new data analytics techniques. Travel and tourism, gaming, oil, and natural resource management are the other major industries using data analytics and big data for their research and development purposes. The future belongs to those harnesses the usage of data in an effective way, those who ignore the reality of the data will be left behind soon.