

Refereed Journal and Conference Papers

  • V. Jethava and D. Dubhashi, "GANs for LIFE: Generative Adversarial Networks for Likelihood Free Inference", CoRR abs/1711.11139 (2017)
  • D. Dubhashi and S. Lappin, "AI dangers: imagined and real", Commun. ACM 60(2): 43-45 (2017)
  • A. Tossou, C. Dimitrakakis and D. Dubhashi, "Thompson Sampling for Stochastic Bandits with Graph Feedback.", AAAI 2017: 2660-2666
  • A. Panahi, F. Johansson, C. Bhattacharyya and D. Dubhashi, "Clustering by Sum of Norms: Stochastic Incremental Algorithm, Convergence and Cluster Recovery", ICML 2017: 2769-2777
  • D. Dubhashi, "Distributed Vertex Coloring", Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2016: 586-589
  • N. Tahmasebi, D. Dubhashi et al, et al, "Visions and open challenges for a knowledge-based culturomics", Int. J. on Digital Libraries 15(2-4): 169-187 (2015)
  • F. Johansson, D. Dubhashi et al, "Classifying Large Graphs with Differential Privacy", MDAI 2015: 3-17
  • M. Kageback, D. Dubhashi et al, "Neural context embeddings for automatic discovery of word senses", VS@HLT-NAACL 2015: 25-32
  • F. Johansson, D. Dubhashi et al, "Weighted Theta Functions and Embeddings with Applications to Max-Cut, Clustering and Summarization", NIPS 2015: 1018-1026
  • O. Mogre, M. Kageback and D. Dubhashi, "Extractive Summarization by Aggregating Multiple Similarities", RANLP 2015: 451-457
  • C. Mazurek, D. Dubhashi et al, "Federated clouds for biomedical research: Integrating OpenStack for ICTBioMed", CLOUDNET 2014: 294-299
  • F. Johansson, D. Dubhashi et al, "Global graph kernels using geometric embeddings", ICML 2014: 694-702
  • V. Jethava, D. Dubhashi et al, "Lovász ϑ function, SVMs and finding dense subgraphs.", Journal of Machine Learning Research 14(1): 3495-3536 (2013)
  • L. Borin, D. Dubhashi et al, "Mining semantics for culturomics: towards a knowledge-based approach", UnstructureNLP@CIKM 2013: 3-10
  • L. Hermansson, D. Dubhashi et al, "Entity disambiguation in anonymized graphs using graph kernels", CIKM 2013: 1037-1046
  • F. Johansson, V. Jethava and D. Dubhashi, "DLOREAN: Dynamic Location-Aware Reconstruction of Multiway Networks", ICDM Workshops 2013: 1012-1019
  • V. Jethava, D. Dubhashi et al, "Lovasz ϑ, SVMs and applications", ITW 2013: 1-5
  • V. Jethava, D. Dubhashi et al, "The Lovasz ϑ function, SVMs and finding large dense subgraphs". NIPS 2012: 1169-1177
  • V. Jethava, D. Dubhashi et al, "NETGEM: Network Embedded Temporal GEnerative Model for gene expression data", BMC Bioinformatics 12: 327 (2011)
  • V. Jethava, D. Dubhashi et al, "Scalable multi-dimensional user intent identification using tree structured distributions", SIGIR 2011: 395-404

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