Devansh Jalota


djalota [at] stanford [dot] edu


I am a PhD candidate in Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University working with Professors Marco Pavone and Yinyu Ye and am currently a Thomas C. Nelson Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellow. Prior to joining Stanford, I received my BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering and BA in Applied Mathematics from University of California Berkeley. My research lies at the intersection of operations research and economics, with particular interests in algorithmic game theory, market design, optimization, and online learning. Most of my work is motivated by resource allocation applications that arise in transportation applications, for which I focus on designing data-driven learning algorithms and incentive schemes to more fairly and equitably allocate resources.


PhD in Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University, 2019-Present

B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and B.A. in Applied Mathematics, University of California Berkeley, 2015-2019