Practical PCB Design Manufacture

This page has all the PCB Design related projects I did while taking the Graduate Course ECEN 5730 Practical PCB Design and Manufacture under Prof. Eric Bogatin at University of Colorado Boulder. The course covers everything it takes to design a good PCB from scratch. The most peculiar non-academic takeaway from the course for me was "Don't trust a design just because it is presently used on millions of devices across the world and just because it has been on the internet for so long"

Golden Arduino Board

What you see here in the image on the left is my own custom version of Arduino Development Board. As mentioned earlier about "Not trusting a design blindly", this board mitigates the noise issues that the current Arduino Board available in the market has. Here's the link to the project report and GitHub repository that has all Altium Design files for this project if you want to know more about my Golden Arduino Board.