devagiri Naval ncc

9 (K) Naval Unit NCC

 Unity and Discipline

about us

St. Joseph’s College is one of the premier institutions under 9 (K) Naval Unit NCC Kozhikode. The college has been awarded as the ‘Best Subunit’ award most number of times and boasts of a rich history and legacy. Our cadets have represented our Unit, Directorate the Nation at the highest levels of NCC. Devagiri College is renowned for transforming students into leaders and our glorious list of alumni who have passed through stand as a testament to this.

What makes the Subunit unique is the training that we provide. Cadets are taught all relevant topics for their Certificate exam and additional topics based on camp requirements. Drill and practical subjects such as Seamanship and Navigation are also given due importance.

As we move forward, we look to further our activities and continue to make a positive impact on society.

ANO's Message: 

“ The Naval NCC of St. Joseph's College, Devagiri has achieved a great deal and its role in grooming the youth of this college into responsible and mindful citizens has been lauded by all. I am indeed honoured to be the Associate NCC Officer of the Naval NCC of St. Joseph's College, Devagiri.  As an ANO of 9(K) Naval Unit NCC St. Joseph’s College Devagiri I assure you this will be a best platform for the students to find their perspective to mould their best version. NCC offers an inspiring opportunity to develop qualities like discipline, teamwork, and leadership, preparing youth for various life challenges."


The Youth Exchange Programme (YEP) in the National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a program that fosters cultural exchange and understanding among young cadets. It allows them to engage in international exchanges, participating in workshops, community service, and collaborative projects. The program instills values of global citizenship, teamwork, and leadership, and encourages participants to view the world through an open-minded lens. Cadet Captain Gautam G Krishna, from Kerala, represented his state and nation in the YEP held in Moscow, Russia. His participation not only strengthened cultural ties between India and Russia but also embodied the spirit of unity in diversity.

About 9 (K) Naval Unit:

9(K) Naval is one of the five Naval Units in the Directorate. The Unit was awarded Best Unit award in 2023. Our cadets regularly represent the Unit in National camps like Republic Day Camp and Nau Sainik Camp, Yachting Camps, Trekking Expeditions, Ship Attachment Camp, Menu Sailing Camps, AIATC etc.  The unit provides a platform for young individuals to immerse themselves in the world of maritime operations, leadership, and discipline. The combined efforts of Officers, Instructors, staff and above all cadets is what has made this possible.