Spider-Man was a prominent figure in 1980s Manhattan. Some called him a menace, whilst others called him a hero. Spider-Man first began to surface in 1978 where reports said a masked vigilante would web up criminals and protect the others. The description of his look read: A bright red and blue tight spandex suit with eyes as white as the clouds. For some years, more sightings of the masked vigilante emerged up until 1987 where he one day mysteriously disappeared. No one knows where Spider-Man is today but a search party known as the "Spider-Eyes" has recently surfaced with the goal of finding the truth behind Spider-Man's sudden disappearance. 


Peter Quill was your average, ordinary kid. He loved music and his mother but what really put him aside from everyone else was that he never met his father. On September 16, 2002, Peter Quill went missing after a shoot out at his mother's house. No one knows where Peter Quill went but witnesses claim that it wasn't a gang shoot out, it was an alien abduction! Now, they're probably just kooks so we'll leave Peter Quill's disappearance to the officials.


The night was meant to be a fun night friends, families, etc. There were games, food, projects on display - It felt like Stark Industries heaven! But suddenly bombs started to go off with weird minty colored mist.. The crowd thought it was some neat trick but it wasn't.. It felt like the world was ending. Over 521 people were injured and 133 casualties. It wasn't a neat trick, it was a terrorist attack.

 A week after the bombing, interviews from victims of the bombing started to circulate with the first one being from Yusef Khan who described the attack as "A horrifying experience" for both him and his daughter, Kamala but also told the interviewer that his daughter was left in utter shock of the attack and has to take therapy every week.

Stark has since been arrested after the attack and there is no current date of possible release.


A race of people that were the result of a Kree experiment, now their own people. Reside in the nation of Atilan where Black Bolt, their king, and Medusa, their Queen, rule. The Terrigen mist is something the Inhumans can produce with their Terrigen crystals, allowing to unlock the Inhuman DNA in someone. Unfortunately, the people of New York have created their own method of this and using it for harm against the mutants and others. One affected by this Terrigen Mist is one Kamala Khan, who has now gone with Medusa and Lockjaw to Attilan, to learn more about her hidden heritage. 

Written by LuminousDagger


Following the collapse of HYDRA and the Nazis in WW2, the Red Room was born. Taken over by Red Skull’s right-hand woman, it was an experiment program funded by private corporations, with the sole objective of training young women to eventually become undercover sleeper agents. Like HYDRA, It too collapsed with SHIELD’s attack on Budapest, but a program like that can never be killed…

Written by Halswayne1 


Following the world being taken over by droids, Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. banded a group of heroes called "The Avengers" that consisted of Ms. Marvel, Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. After the heroes banded, Ultron was successfully taken down and the world was saved.. But with this sudden emergence of heroes.. Who knows what will happen..

Written by DreadedReal