Since its implementation in 2000, the GIS Department has assisted numerous county and municipal departments and agencies with data collection efforts and digital mapping needs. The GIS Department houses various data layers and aerial images, which can be viewed on the county's GIS website. The department is open to the general public and welcomes anyone needing geospatial data and maps.

To ensure the accuracy of DeSoto County's geospatial data, to host and to maintain a website in which public data can be obtained, and to integrate and to expand GIS capabilities throughout the DeSoto County governmental structure.

Desoto County Gis Data Download

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The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line shapefile is designed to stand alone as an independent data set, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation.The Address Ranges Feature Shapefile (ADDRFEAT.dbf) contains the geospatial edge geometry and attributes of all unsuppressed address ranges for a county or county equivalent area. The term "address range" refers to the collection of all possible structure numbers from the first structure number to the last structure number and all numbers of a specified parity in between along an edge side relative to the direction in which the edge is coded. Single-address address ranges have been suppressed to maintain the confidentiality of the addresses they describe. Multiple coincident address range feature edge records are represented in the shapefile if more than one left or right address ranges are associated to the edge. The ADDRFEAT shapefile contains a record for each address range to street name combination. Address range associated to more than one street name are also represented by multiple coincident address range feature edge records. Note that the ADDRFEAT shapefile includes all unsuppressed address ranges compared to the All Lines Shapefile (EDGES.shp) which only includes the most inclusive address range associated with each side of a street edge. The TIGER/Line shapefile contain potential address ranges, not individual addresses. The address ranges in the TIGER/Line Files are potential ranges that include the full range of possible structure numbers even though the actual structures may not exist.

The Mississippi Labor Market Information searchable database allows professionals to search for labor market data by statewide, county or other geographic areas. It allows users to create their own geographic areas. Data may be printed as a text document or saved as an Excel spreadsheet. Please visit the database for more in-depth analysis of Industry, Occupation, Income/Wage and Area Profile information. To access this valuable tool, click here

With 35,979 people, DeSoto County is the 49th most populated county in the state of Florida out of 67 counties. But watch out, DeSoto County, because Baker County with 28,368 people and Bradford County with 27,858 people are right behind you.

"Your starter report certainly saved me a considerable amount of time. I am just too busy to garner this needed data any other way. It truly would have taken hours of an employee's time or my own to get this much information. I was fortunate to find a company that had all the demographics that I needed and at a very reasonable price."

"My supervisor had assigned me the task of getting population data for the county for our required county education strategic plan. I had some information from Kids Count but need race, gender, age, etc. and the government census site was shutdown. I was so surprised to get a report within seconds and it had lots of charts and graphs that my supervisor liked."

This is your state and county equivalent level look at how many have gotten a dose or doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Click on a state to see how many vaccines have been administered and you can drill down to the county level and see a bar chart that tracks the running total. Data for this interactive map is provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state health departments and will be updated automatically when states update data. 152ee80cbc

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