Vovia Ocela

"The Lady of the Marsh is anything but what her name implies. She is no lady, she is a knight. And a marsh? That place is a stinking bog, where the earth decided to scab over and puss like a wound. That is not her. 'Knight of the Silver Moon' would be my choice, something more worthy of her."

  • Name: Vovia Ocela, Lady of the Marsh
  • Race: Human
  • Age: 25 -- born the 28th Day of Summertide in the 70th Year of the 15th Century.
  • Occupation: Aristocrat
  • Rank: Lady, unlanded and unmarried
  • Patron Deity: Elios the Shielded; God of Battle, Strength, and the Noon Sky
  • Alignment: Likely neutral-good
  • Preferred Ability: Dexterity
  • Level: Realm Hero

Distinct Mannerisms

Vovia is blessed with her mother's beauty, but only begrudgingly highlights such when the situation demands so. She knows how to speak like a proper Archarian lady, how to maintain the elitist accent of the nobility, and how to walk with the grace of water. But when given the choice, she more often adopts a far more intimidating and imposing stance, her eyes regularly conveying a sharp sense of irritation or disapproval. When surrounded by strangers or those she must put on a facade for, she rarely smiles, laughs, or speaks at all, though is known for suddenly interjecting herself when she greatly disapproves of the direction a conversation may take. When with those she trusts, her demeanor is far more relaxed and warm, willing to share her smile in abundance, and has even known to take up a drunken song or two.

Significant Background Details

Vovia is the only surviving child of Count Baelron Ocela of Bluemarsh, a bannerman of House Cassimar. The only highway that connects Silverwall and the southern cities runs directly through Bluemarsh, a salt-water swamp that would be entirely undesirable if not for its strategic location. The Marsh Tower, a massive stone fortress that guards the route, was the home of Vovia who grew up alongside her brother. When her sibling and mother both succumbed to a winter fever, Vovia became her father's only heir. Count Baelron was not only a well-respected militant and strategist, but Duke Cassimar's marshal. Thus, it became imperative that his heiress become as militarily astute as he, regardless of any social stigma she would encounter. Raised just as any male heir would be, she was trained in hand-to-hand and mounted combat, along with archery and swordplay. Rather than learning to sing or play the harp, she mastered strategy and joined her father on hunts.

Connection to the Heroes

Vovia had no desire to see the New World and instead, looked forward to a life spent among the Marsh Knights, eventually becoming a military commander in one of her Queen's wars. However, through an unanticipated scheme started and funded entirely by Duke Cassimar, Vovia's father was forced into accepting a betrothal between his daughter and one of the Duke's twin sons, Darrien. It was only shortly after the bargain was struck and approved by the Queen of Gulls did the Duke assign Darrien to the Dartmoore, and thus, demanded his betrothed sail to the New World with him. There, upon those distant shores, Darrien and Vovia's wedding would be the first holy joining, securing the property rights of the land for the Cassimar house. Without the necessary court intrigue skills to slip out of the betrothal, neither Vovia nor her father were able to undo the disastrous bargain. Unwilling to run, Vovia begrudgingly accepted her place on the Dartmoore, swearing to her father that she would one day return to take his place.