Weekly Updates

Week 8 Update:

  • Decided on and ordered what exact parts we needed to complete our project. Realized one peripheral used a different serial protocol than expected so made adjustments for that.

  • Set up project environment in Keil, imported code from past labs that we should be able to use In our project. Also looked Into possible libraries we may need to make use of in our project.

Week 9 Update:

  • All parts have arrived.

  • Beginning to work with each different part on its own first before putting it all together.

  • Having difficulties figuring out the servo motor but have been looking into it and deciding the best approach.

  • Figuring out the best way to implement turning the fan on/off.

  • Began work on temperature sensor, doing some discovery as to if we can convert temperature reading from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

  • Began working to see how LCD Display will be wired, and how to manipulate library to make the UI look nice.

Week 10 Update:

  • We have spent this week working on each component separately to get them functioning to our liking. This included changing some Pin configuration and SysClock Config to get our project to work all together in conjunction.

  • We have implemented a way to turn our fans on and off within software using the GPIO pins.

  • We have configured a PWM signal output to move our Servo Motor in a manner that goes back and forth as a revolving fan would.

  • We are working to use all of this implementation to interface with UART and Termite to allow the user to control the fan system based on commands.

  • Still having trouble interfacing the LCD with the STM32, hoping to figure it out by the weekend.

Finals Week Update:

  • We have successfully connected all of our components together and they are now working in conjunction. However, we were unsuccessful in figuring out how to get our LCD display working, and will not be able to get it into our project before the deadline. Instead we have duplicated the information that would've been on the display onto Termite. The only downside to this is that we were not able to get updating information regarding the changing time and temperature or else our user interface would be flooded by an infinite loop and our fan system control would not work properly. Besides that our project works as intended.