Desktop Aide

ECE153B W22 Final Project by Erin Ambriz & Danny Cardenas

Demo Video:

Project Overview:

Our project centers around building a desktop accessory. We are taking an all-in-one approach as our product will have the ability to be used as both a personal fan and an informative LCD Display. The fan is configured with a motor, allowing the user to control the direction of the rotating fan via commands from Termite. Along with the fan and motor, we will be using a temperature sensor, RTC, and an LCD Display to display useful information that the user might wish to be aware of.

Block Diagram:

Software Design:

The core of our program will need to do a number of things. It will need to get a temperature reading from the TC74 and send that reading over to the LCD Display. It will also need to set up an RTC in order to correctly display the time and date to the LCD Display. A Termite connection will also need to be set up to allow the user to send commands over to the personal fan for it to turn on and rotate to the user’s liking.