Design Thinking Study Abroad

Kroger to Walgreens

(There are multiple beverage aisles.)

1. Go to the store.

What types of beverages are there? Colas? Sports drinks? Vitamin drinks?

Teas, sports drinks, water, vitamin drinks,  coffee, and pop.

How many brands of each type do you see? (estimate)

Overwhelming amount of beverages. Over 20 different brands. 

What quantity of each brand is on the shelf? (estimate)

50+ depends on the brand.

How are the beverages packaged? Cans? Plastic bottles? Cardboard?

Aluminum cans, plastic, glass, and cardboard.

2. Walk to the next closest store.

How would you get there?

Walk and/or drive

Is there a sidewalk?

Yes? It is by the street.  

Do you go through a parking lot?


How long will it take?

2 min a drive and a 5 min walk


Mind Map of the day of 5/11-12

Nottingham Observations From 5/17

NottinghamObservations_Kerr (1).pdf

Crazy 8s Brainstorming from 5/18

London Parks Reflection 5/22

River & Restoration Reflection 5/23

What the product would be in or in a bag that could be easily opened to sample the product. In this image, there are 4 different sizes. From is located mostly these barrels would hold sugar or tobacco. They would weigh with a scale like this in the image. On one side the product would be placed and on the other side scale shown on the back of the closed board. This was necessary so that the company would be able to price it correctly. This is one of the ways they would move the product off the boats. They would have to go fast to get all the product off that boat the more it sit there the more they would be asked to pay. While the Product would be very heavy these early-made wagons, would help them move faster. While walking through this museum I felt that it was very well designed, and was a great start to our extreme exhibitions of study. 

London Transport Museum Reflection 5/24

Let’s Go Shopping; By Unknow, 1908

The Thing that attracted me to this poster is the oval shape and the old logo. It gives the audience a glimpse into what writing on the underground is like to ride. I think this poster does a good service by showing that all these people are using the underground so why don't you. This poster does not say who the design is but it does give us the year of 1908. The emotion that does get evoke by looking at this poster is that it is safe and all these people and the warm colors help that. The importance of this poster helps sponsor the underground as a safe, comfortable, and fast way to get to the place in need with know the way to get.   This was important to the development of the underground by helping people feel safe and confident

From Town to Open Country; by Dora M Batty, 1925 

The thing that attracted me to this poster is the smytru in the train system adove the 30 min. Thing. It also has a baling of the three people and that the thing under it. This poster is service the underground and give the family that can go to the open country and be back to the town with in 30 min. The emoticon that it evoke is comfret and family frankly. Dora M Batty design it in 1925. The audience that this poster is intended to serve family and people that are what to make a quick trip to the country. This was important to the development of the underground by helping that people of the town and country be able to get to the other place with in 30 min which is faster the other transptason. 

Out and About By London Transport; By Dora M Batty, 1938

The thing that attracted me to this poster is the early rendition of the Lodge of the Underground. The other thing that grabs my attention is that pock of flowers. The service I believe to focus on is the women of the middle class who have the time but not the money for the car. The emotions they evoke when looking at it are happy and bright. Dora M Batty designed it in 1938. The audience that this poster is serving is the middle-class woman that can afford the time to travel but can not have a car and the London transport is the best. I think the importance of women in the development of the underground is very big. People would be able to gossip and tell friends and family that the transport system is safe and light. 

<-- Harry Beck's Underground

Fred Stingemore Underground -->

I found this cool website


Harry Beck's Map of the Underground

Harry Beck's design of the map of the underground was so innovative with the slice lines and easy-to-read typeface. While looking at Fred Stingemore's design of the map of the underground is messi and I can see and mostly have a feeling that Fred Stingemore was trying to follow the true layout of the underground. While this is a smart idea it just was not the clean one. Harry Beck's map of the underground is very different from the older design of the map of the underground due to it getting rid of the landscape but keeping the river to help you see and feel what might be. Harry Beck's map has limited ways that the line could lay. A cool thing that I remembered that color plays in wayfinding is while on the train the hand bars would be the same color as the train color on the map. While the color helps assist in wayfinding by giving easy color to help find the over link of trains. The shape of the circle shows the connecting railways. But the big thing that helps people know the wayfinding is the Key to lines.

Borough Market Reflection 5/24

The following goods will be talked about. For the Baked Goods they are wraps wend dye in a paper wack like thing. All baked goods were there on display to bye so not made-to-order. No labels on the food but it there are labels on area of that tip of food it is. The Prices was very well prices not so crazy as I was expected. For Products like Fruit or Veggies are sitting out on display you can bye how much you need. This help people get just what they need not as much that it could go bad and be thown out. The labels are on display like the Baked Goods but some where on the cartons. I did experience this group of buying. I got to get strawberries they were very good. The prices of this fruit was 5 pounds which was a little pricey. Wend going to Borough market I was more focus on eating the food I buy. So I did not really look at othere price. I did not ask for a bag but if I guess there was no bags I did just use my tout bag. By liking at the age of how was around me I would gesture 30-35. This Market was more of a tourists thing but there was a good amount of local there too. There is very many different ethnic and gender there as well. 

Olympic Park Reflection 5/30

Munich Olympic Park was made for the use of the 1972 Summer Olympic. The cool thing is that the designer's goal was to make an area that can be a place that people could use after the 1972 Summer Olympics. This was a success and the Olympic buildings are in use by the public and this area is called the olympic park. The designer’s want to create a unified system for every sport, instead of just the main ones. This was shown as a shape, line, and circle. While looking at the architecture we make the assumption that it looks like a circus tent. While talking about it I learned that the designer wants to imitate how a dragonfly wing looks and works. This helps bring the outside into the inside. A history fact that I learned is that the ground has scrap of the ruins of the WW2 buildings of Munich. The other thing that I learned about the landscape is that it was hand designed to feel like something you want to play on. We then went to the area where the Olympic athlete housing is now used for student housing. This house was made to be like a carbon copy of each which made it cheaper for those students living there now. 

BMW Museum Reflection 5/30

BMW, which stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke, was founded on March 7, 1916, as an aircraft engine manufacturer called Bayerische Flugzeugwerke. The company was renamed to Bayerische Motoren Werke. BMW entered the automobile business in 1928 and began producing motorcycles in the 1920s. The company's R32 motorcycle set a world speed record that was not broken until 1937. Today, BMW is a leading manufacturer of luxury vehicles and motorcycles and is trying to help the sustainability white trying to bildeed the car of the future. The BMW has made sustainability a central part of its corporate strategy, with a focus on conserving resources and reducing environmental impact. The company aims to increase the use of recycled and reused materials in its vehicles, with a target of up to 50% recycled and reused materials in its cars. BMW is also committed to reducing its CO2 emshon, lowering resource consumption, and avoiding waste. The company's sustainability efforts include research and development of alternative raw materials and production processes. BMW is also investing in innovative technologies, such as hydrogen fuel cells and electric vehicles, to reduce its environmental impact.

Bike Tour Reflection   6/2

it was fun. It was long. and I would not recommend biking with 24+ people in a city. The traffic was a little Bissell do to there bing 24 other people around me. I was fine I just block everything out I was just trying to stay with the group the one things that I can recall this that the light stop were hard to start and it was scary to be on the road are cars drive by. But like I stadie would not go with a group of 24 people.