
Alberto Monge Roffarello is a postdoctoral research assistant at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) at Politecnico di Torino, in Italy. His research targets the end-user personalization of smart devices, online services, and user’s behaviors with these technologies. In his research, he investigated end-user personalization in different domains, ranging from end-user development in IoT ecosystems to novel digital self-control tools and approaches for digital wellbeing.

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Luigi De Russis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) of Politecnico di Torino, Italy. His current research focuses on Human-Computer Interaction, with a particular interest on how to overcome interaction challenges in complex settings, such as within IoT systems and smart environments.

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R.X. Schwartz is a G. Cert/B.S.E. student in the Cybersecurity Management and Systems Engineering programs at University of Virginia. His research interests are in digital wellbeing and human-centered design with an emphasis on scalable interventions. He has previously worked as a data analyst for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, with a focus on COVID-19 data processing and analytics.


Panagiotis Apostolellis is a full-time Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia. He is mainly teaching introductory programming classes and higher-level HCI courses with an emphasis on UX design. During his doctoral studies at Virginia Tech (2011-2017), he worked at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, researching the impact of audience interaction using serious games and VR on young student audiences visiting informal learning spaces. Panagiotis also has extensive experience as a Senior Interactive Systems Designer and Developer at a cultural institution in his home country, Greece (2000-2011).

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