

1. Brief synopsis of how using the Elements & Principles can help you create a successful Composition.

Using the Elements & Principles this can help me create a successful composition by guiding me in the real world to look for these elements to create a amazing composition. Using these elements can also create the perfect composition by finding all or most of the elements into one composition.

Elements Principles

2. What was the best tip for improvement you received? The best tip I received for improvement is to look at things from a different perspective which can create the most amazing photos.

3. What is one thing you need to change to create a more successful photo? One thing I need to change is to try to look harder for the Element & Principles that way I can take even better photos than before.

4. What was your most successful decision during the project? The most successful decision during this project was to look things from a different perspective which allowed me to take amazing photos.

5. What are some areas of improvement you need to address? One area I need to address is the amount of color I take in my photos. I need to try to look harder for more vibrant colors so I can attempt to take a better pictures.