Discribing my family

Hi, My name is Tristana, I am a Yordle (I know that you are wondering, what is a yordle?), we are small creatures that live in the forest, we are full of magic and mystery, we are powerful and cute, so today I am going to be with you during all process helping you and giving tips.

Let´s talk about the Family and some characteristics to describe them.

why it is important to know this topic?

We can use our family as a motive to learn English, and also if we understand and learn the vocabulary, we could start to describe them, first of all, we are going to focus on the family members and then some easy descriptions, to use our family to learn this topic faster and allow us the possibility to practice the topic in our houses with our family

The Simpson Family

This is the most popular and funny family from the tv, the Simpsons. they have always represented a crazy family with differences, however, during the chapters development, they solve their problems and show us, the importance of the family and unity.

Do you recognize them? probably yes, this is a familiar nucleus. It is easy to learn, especially when you apply this vocabulary with your own family.


Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Baby, siblings, Grandmother, Grandfather,cousin, Uncle, Aunt, Son, Daughter, Family.

This is an interactive game where Lisa is describing her family and you will need to fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

There is a button where you can see the activity, this button will send you towards web page with the activity.


In this part you have to complete the following activities related to the topic, enjoy, and have fun, the document is very easy to develop.


Sing with me

Have you ever felt alone or boring during the rain? yes? me too, however my family always has been there for me, especially in these times where we have a global health crisis, think in your family and make grow your relations with them.

Sing with me

This song transmits good vibes to you, to make you reflect how important must be the family for you and show you the informal family vocabulary.

Here there is a short video that talks about the family, you can use this as a support material in this part of the blog.

The extra sources is always useful to improve your vocabulary and pronunciation.