Conservation LandScape Project
Derwood Station Common Area 2
Conservation Landscape Project
Doing our part to control stormwater runoff from our community by bringing conservation landscaping to the Buena Vista Common Area.
Project Goals
Each element of this project has a role in protecting our common area, the Crabbs Branch Stream Valley Park, the Rock Creek watershed and the Chesapeake Bay watershed from the damage of stormwater runoff. While this is a multi-part project, the overall goals of the project, as a whole, are to:
- Reduce and manage stormwater runoff from our neighborhood.
- Create a green infrastructure to manage and reduce water pollution and land erosion
- Bringing more native plant species into our common spaces.
- Create a visually appealing park space that has a positive environmental impact.
- Educate and engage the community in watershed improvements while achieving measurable impacts.
Project Description
The Chesapeake Bay Trust, Rock Creek Conservancy, Darlene Robbins, and Derwood Station HOA No. 2 have joined forces for a common goal that will facilitate our HOA's vision for the common area (CA 2) off of Buena Vista - specifically conservation landscaping that would control the stormwater uphill from Crabbs Branch Stream Valley Park. The grant was prepared by and submitted by Rock Creek Conservancy. The conservation landscape portion of this project will be funded by CBTrust - Montgomery County Watershed Restoration and Outreach Grant Program and managed by Rock Creek Conservancy in conjunction with the Derwood Station HOA No. 2.
With financial assistance from Montgomery Country and HOA funding, some of what you see in CA2 has been implemented as part of this project. The CBTrust - Montgomery County Watershed Restoration and Outreach Grant Program will pay to complete many of the remaining common area improvements in CA2. These improvements will greatly assist in protecting the Crabbs Branch Stream Valley Park, the Rock Creek watershed and the Chesapeake Bay watershed from the damage of stormwater runoff. The improvements will benefit our community by reducing land erosion, by bringing more native plant species into our common spaces, and by creating a visually appealing park space that has a positive environmental impact.
We are really excited to be a part of this partnership and have developed this site as a common area to share project related materials, such as milestones, schedules, documents, photos and contact information, with project team members and with the members of our community.
Project Funding
Funding for this project is provided from the generous support of:
- The Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBTrust) via The CBTrust Montgomery County Watershed Restoration and Outreach Grant Program
- Montgomery Country, Maryland
- State of Maryland, Department of Natural Resources, The Tree-Mendous Program
- Derwood Station HOA No. 2
A very special thanks to Rock Creek Conservancy and Darlene Robbins, who have partnered with our HOA and who have tirelessly worked to make the CBTrust Grant possible.