
Working Papers

Forecast Accuracy and Efficiency at the Bank of England (with Tim Willems), 2024, [BoE SWP], [Bank Underground].


Energy Prices and Household Heterogeneity: Monetary Policy in a Gas-TANK (with Jenny Chan and Sebastian Diz), Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming, 2024. [BoE SWP]

Slow Recoveries, Endogenous Growth and Macroprudential Policy (with Dario Bonciani and David Gauthier), Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 51, 2023. [BoE SWP] [Bank Underground]

The Macroeconomic Impact of Shocks to Bank Capital Buffers in the Euro Area (with Reiner Martin, Laurent Maurin and Diego Moccero), The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 20(1), 2020.

Work in Progress

Financial Panics, Beliefs and Policy (with Alexander Haas)