Hunger By Nasira Sharma Pdf Download

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Hunger By Nasira Sharma: A Short Story of Two Men Sleeping Hungry

Hunger by Nasira Sharma is a short story that depicts the plight of two men who are suffering from hunger and poverty in a time of recession. The story is set in Iran, but it could be applicable to any country where there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. The story contrasts the lives of two men, one literate and one illiterate, who have different ways of coping with their hunger.

The literate man is a journalist who has lost his job due to the economic crisis. He is unable to find any work and has to sell his belongings to survive. He is also estranged from his wife and daughter, who have left him for a better life. He feels hopeless and helpless, and resorts to writing letters to the president, asking for help and justice. He believes that his letters will make a difference and that someone will listen to his voice.

The illiterate man is a laborer who works at a construction site. He earns a meager wage that is barely enough to feed himself and his family. He has a wife and four children who depend on him. He is also ill and suffers from tuberculosis. He does not complain or ask for anything, but accepts his fate as God's will. He believes that his hunger is a test of his faith and that God will reward him in the afterlife.

The story ends with both men sleeping hungry on the same night. The journalist writes his last letter to the president, hoping that it will reach him and change his situation. The laborer prays to God, thanking him for everything and asking for his mercy. The next morning, both men are found dead in their respective places. The journalist's letter is thrown away by the postman, who thinks it is rubbish. The laborer's body is buried by his co-workers, who do not know his name or address.

Hunger by Nasira Sharma is a powerful story that exposes the harsh realities of hunger and poverty in the modern world. It also shows how different people have different attitudes and responses to their suffering. The story challenges the readers to think about their own privileges and responsibilities, and to empathize with those who are less fortunate than them.

The story of Hunger by Nasira Sharma is not just a fiction, but a reflection of the reality that millions of people face every day. According to the World Food Programme, more than 690 million people suffer from chronic hunger and malnutrition, and more than 25,000 people die of hunger-related causes every day. Hunger is not only a physical problem, but also a social and political one. It is caused by various factors such as war, conflict, corruption, inequality, discrimination, climate change, and lack of access to education, health care, and basic services.

Hunger is also a human rights issue, as it violates the right to life, dignity, and freedom of every person. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food". The Sustainable Development Goals also aim to end hunger and achieve food security and improved nutrition by 2030. However, these goals are far from being achieved, as the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the situation and pushed more people into hunger and poverty.

Hunger by Nasira Sharma is a story that reminds us of the urgency and importance of addressing the problem of hunger and poverty in the world. It also calls us to action, to do our part in helping those who are in need. We can do this by donating to charities and organizations that work to fight hunger and poverty, by volunteering in our communities and supporting local initiatives, by raising awareness and advocating for change, by reducing food waste and consuming responsibly, and by showing compassion and solidarity with those who are hungry and poor. Hunger is not inevitable, but preventable. Together, we can make a difference and end hunger for good. 66dfd1ed39

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