I've been having some problems with my laptop, overheating and stuff. I would like if someone could help me with this too, but this isn't the main problem. I supposed that maybe my drivers weren't up to date so i tried to intall the intel driver and support assistant. However when i tried installing it, this messages appeared

If the workaround that @Reps has suggested doesn't work, you can download the installers for the runtime libraries from here: -us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170. I suggest that you download and install both the X86 and X64 versions of these libraries.

Hp Support Assistant Cz Download

Download Zip 🔥 https://urlca.com/2yGbWh 🔥

This is odd, when i tried installing the X86 version i got the same message that i get when installing the Intel Driver & Support Assistant ("The feature you are trying to use[...]"). Also, when i closed the message, this showed up

However i was able to install the X64 version with no problems. However i rebooted my PC and i still can't install the Intel Driver & Support Assistant (keeps showing the same "The feature you are trying to use is...")

I tried installing de X86 version after installing the X86 version but it still doesn't work. It looks like its something to tho with an older version of Microsoft Visual C++ that can't be removed? I dont have a lot of experience with this kind of stuff sorry. If you have any other idea i would be glad to hear

I tried the methods 1 and 2 and they sadly didnt work. For the method one the same "The feature you are trying to use..." problem appeared when installing the Intel Driver and Support Assisant, and for the method 2 this showed up every time i open a Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable program

I didn't try the method 3 because im pretty sure that that's what @Reps told me to do on 04-10-2022. I hope you can find something else that can help me with fixing this problem and ill try to answer quickly the netx time.

Sorry, im in a test period at highschool so i didn't really have time this past week. I'll try in like 1h because i have classes in 10 mins and ill try while im there. Thank you for supporting me, ill try to do it quickly.

After working on this case, we have determined this is not an issue with Intel DSA. We recommend you to contact the Original Equipment Manufacturer or Microsoft to check on the Visual C++ installation. Once installed, we can check Intel DSA if any issues.

In the meantime, we can help you to manually install the drivers you need. If you would like to do so, please run a report using our Intel System Support Utility tool, you can download it here: -System-Support-Utility-for-Windows-

Intel does not verify all solutions, including but not limited to any file transfers that may appear in this community. Accordingly, Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade.

I don't know when this stopped working, but the HP Support Assistant on my PC is useless at the moment. I installed the latest version from the HP site (where I am now posting), and it still does not work on my PC. The HP Support Assistant version is, Framework, Configuration Files 8.0.7144.1419.

Here's the issue.... I open up the HP Support Assistant, then I go to My Devices/ Updates, then click on "Check for updates and messages". Even though I am connected to the internet, I get the message "You are not connected to the internet." "An internet connectivity issue has been detected....yada, yada...launch HP Network Check....yada, yada." So I launch the check, it runs a Network Diagnostics screen, goes through whatever check it does, then results a positive "Connection Status - No issues found with internet connection." I click on the "Network Information" button, and under the Internet heading there is a URL - www.hp.com - along with a "Test URL" hyperlink. I click on that link I I get the message that "www.hp.com: successfully contacted".

So, the HP Assistant software is telling me that I am not connected to the internet when I check for updates, or messages, or try to sign into my profile through the HP Assistant, etc,, yet the same software tells me that I am connected when I do an HP Network check. Who wrote this code?

Good Day. Thank you for taking an interest in the HP community. I understand that you require assistance with HP support assistant not working correctly or performing the required updates. I will be really glad to assist you here.

Please perform all these steps patiently as it is critical to resolving the issue. The trick is to remain patient, Going by your technical expertise and competence I am sure you will be able to perform these steps without breaking a sweat.

Tried that, uninstalled, restarted, I am already admin on the PC, turned off the Windows fireall, downloaded the same HP assistant version I downloaded before, ran it, and got the same message. Same issue - internet connection, but HP assistant says there is no connection. Dumb.

I read the post. Thanks for the quick reply. You've displayed great patience, terrific resilience and excellent technical skills to try and resolve the issue. Kudos to you for a job well done. HP support assistant is a tested and trusted piece of software downloaded, installed and used by millions of Hp customers. At times I understand that the odd customer reports a problem with it. But several million others are satisfied with it.

Please try the steps from these links and check if they help. I hope this resolves the issue for you. As a last resort, you might need to backup your data and perform a recovery to factory settings which will definitely fix the issue for you.

The first link mentions that you should rework you network connections. I have a virtual machine that is currently functioning fine and connects to an open network based upon my main network conenction. I am not going to upset the apple cart by messing around with that connection just make up for the deficiencies of some marginal piece of software.

This again points to the lack of attention to detail HP has in making software work right. Software should not display a message to users that they are not connected to the interest, then in another screen show that the network is connected. This presents two totally opposite messages to the user. Poor software design that needs to be fixed, not the user trying to configure their system to conform to poorly written code. Cleary this is an issue that others have experienced, so mentioning that it works on many other machines is a lack of attention to the real issue.

To workaround this, open the network adapter through which you want to connect to the Internet, in my case this is the physical Ethernet adapter, go to Properties and uncheck "Hyper-V Extensible Virtual Switch". This should put check marks in all items EXCEPT "MS Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol" and "Hyper-V Extensible Virtual Switch".

Hello all, Got a quick,possibly dumb question. I just installed the Intel Driver and support assistant early this morning. Problem is when I start the program it scans my system to check for driver updates for about 10 to 15 seconds then gives an error message that reads "No Configuration Data" and under that it say's "There was no internet available during program startup". Am I missing something or is my system too old? It's an older desktop running Windows 7 Ultimate.

As well, please uninstall Intel DSA using the Intel Driver & Support Assistant Uninstaller ( -driver-support-assistant-uninstaller.html?v=t) and then re-install it from this link -driver-support-assistant.html

Hello, I downloaded and ran the DSA uninstaller then downloaded and installed the new DSA as recommended. Now when I open the program it goes to the Intel site (via firefox) and scans my system for about 15 seconds then a message appears that says " Installing a new version of Intel driver and support assistant, Please wait" After about 35 minutes I get the same message as before, No Configuration Data. I uninstalled and installed a second time with no change.My internet IS working so I don't understand what is wrong. Thank You for your time!

However, what I found out is that the windows event viewer shows event ID 36887 (Schannel Code 20) when I try to perform a system check with the update tool. Is it possible that the Update tool still tries to work with an old TLS protocol?

I'm getting the same error. It correlates with "Schannel error 40" in Windows Event Viewer. After researching I find that either the application or the server it's talking to is attempting to establish a TLS 1.3 connection.

From what I can tell Win7 will support up to TLS 1.2. There doesn't seem to be any option to patch in support for 1.3, unless it's only available to paid ESU subscribers. Otherwise the only solution I can picture is allow for TLS 1.2 with Win7 clients.

Yet the page where we download the tool specifically states that it works on Win7!

I was really hoping this tool would work, because trying to find the right driver on Intel's site is like trying to win the lottery. Lots of possible drivers suggested, but none of them work. 152ee80cbc

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