

The Department of Political Science was established in 1964. The Honours stream was introduced in 2003. The departmental library has a collection of 250 books. One Computer is available with an internet facility. The students occasionally participate in seminars, group discussions, and debates. Prof. Soumitra Chakraborty has a deep interest in Bengali culture and takes it upon himself to enrich the students with delightful selections. The latest presentation from Chokhe Angul Dada was not only hilarious but charged with social significance. This was part of Oikantik, the annual program presented with the History department. For the last two years, the department has published a little magazine called Atmik, which has won praise from all.

Since 1964 the Department of Political Science, Prabhu Jagatbandhu College cherishes its illustrious past, but tries every moment to enrich its present. With a bunch of fresh, inquisitive students and dedicated faculty, the department’s quest for quality and knowledge is unbound. And this quest goes beyond the formal syllabus, beyond the four walls of our classrooms. The Honours stream was introduced in 2003. Students are encouraged to question, debate, and raise issues within and beyond the syllabus. They are encouraged to participate in students’ seminars and present papers. The department believes in helping the students to grow as good human beings, not only good students. The faculty members are engaged in continuous research in all areas of the discipline, besides their regular teaching assignments. Semester systems (CBCS) at the Under Graduate levels have been introduced last year.