
Depression Symptoms - Are You Living With Depression?

Depression is a very complicated disorder. Nobody really knows what triggers it, but it does happen for various reasons. Some individuals experience depression after being through a serious emotional trauma, such as the loss of a spouse or a major life change. Others might have depression as a result of life changes, like a death or a move. Still others might have депрессия as a result of a diagnosis of something like bipolar disorder.

There are some causes that can be determined, and some triggers. The loss of a loved one can cause a lot of grief. However, if this loss was sudden, there isn't going to be a great deal of depression. If the loss of a loved one was gradual, then the individual could become depressed as a result. If there was a history of depression in the family, that could increase the likelihood that depression may increase with time.

There are different levels of clinical depression. Sometimes people experience just mild clinical depression, sometimes they experience major depression. In order to understand which level of depression applies to a person, it's necessary to understand what depression is and how it affects people. Normally, people experience depression when they have difficulties getting their needs met, their needs are not met, and they are unable to attain an important level of satisfaction from their lives. At times, people feel that everything is out of balance, and their emotions are out of control.

Depression can be defined by two symptoms: low mood and a lack of interest in things that used to make one happy. Mood disorders can take many forms, including clinical depression, also known as major depressive disorder, dysthymic, and manic depression. When somebody experiences depression, they generally have trouble getting out of bed, have trouble getting through the day, have trouble getting work done, have trouble making lasting relationships, and have trouble taking care of themselves physically. In some cases, symptoms of depression can lead to more severe medical conditions if left untreated.

Researchers have examined the possibility of environmental causes of depression. Environmental factors like abuse, genetics, and diet have been found to be linked with mood disorders. For example, genetic depression has been found to run in families. And environmental factors like poor nutrition, abuse, and high stress levels have been tied in with major depression. In addition, mood disorders have been shown to be influenced by genes. People with a gene that makes them more likely to develop depression are more likely to experience it themselves.

Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is another common depression symptom. Someone who is depressed almost every day may find that the depression symptoms they are experiencing are similar to the symptoms of SAD. SAD is characterized by six symptoms: restlessness, excessive sleepiness, extreme exhaustion, hot flashes, irritability, and feelings of sadness or hopelessness. These symptoms occur in varying degrees and for varying reasons and are almost never caused by medical conditions such as heart disease or a thyroid disorder.