online encyclopedias

bartleby is a student success hub, developed by Barnes & Noble Education, Inc. (NYSE:BNED) as part of its ongoing mission to serve all who work to elevate their lives through education. bartleby’s products and services are designed to improve student success and outcomes, offering pathways for learning that fit the schedules and demands of today’s student. Current offerings on the bartleby platform include bartleby learn, bartleby write, and bartleby research.

At, you get free access to over 300,000 reference entries from sources you can cite. Plus, more than 50,000 topic summaries feature related pictures, videos, topic summaries, and newspaper and magazine articles from around the world. takes great care in constantly updating our content with the latest from our partners.

Other Web sites that allow public editing of their pages to write reference entries can be fun. But when you need credible information from reliable sources you can cite, ( is the place to go.

We are Britannica Group, Inc, the world-wide leader at the forefront of the information revolution for 250 years. We have empowered the way the world teaches and learns, and we continue to pave the way in reimagining discovery and inquiry. Inspiring curiosity and instilling the joy of learning is how Britannica builds the world’s future leaders.

Infoplease is a reference and learning site, combining the contents of an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas and several almanacs loaded with statistics, facts, and historical records. Our editors regularly update and refine this enormous body of information—as well as adding new discoveries and identifying trends—to bring you reliable and authoritative information. The content is written and edited by professional editors, and the site has received numerous awards and accolades since launch. Parents, teachers and librarians turn to Infoplease for information on an array of topics, including current events, pop culture, science, government and history. They can also confidently point students and children to our COPPA and kidSAFE-certified sister site, Fact Monster, assured that it's a safe place for kids to explore.

The Questia library includes more than 94,000 academic books and more than 14 million journal, magazine, and newspaper articles from more than a thousand of the world's leading publishers. Questia offers quality sources selected by librarians and approved by professors, and many of the resources are peer-reviewed!